

python Programming Glossary: gtk.main

GTK window capture: VPython (OpenGL) application


window.add socket window.connect destroy lambda w gtk.main_quit print Got winID as d s self.OpenGLWindowID hex self.OpenGLWindowID.. self.OpenGLWindowID socket.add_id long self.OpenGLWindowID gtk.main gtk.threads_leave def main thread print Embedding OpenGL VPython.. window.add socket window.connect destroy lambda w gtk.main_quit socket.add_id long self.OpenGLWindowID gtk.main def main..

Showing a gtk.Calendar in a menu?


False window.stick window.connect destroy lambda x gtk.main_quit menu ContextMenu menu.add_calendar_submenu_item date self.on_date.. text print Calendar activated with s text CalendarExample gtk.main Update What I'm going for is something akin to Ubuntu's indicator.. False window.stick window.connect destroy lambda x gtk.main_quit vbox gtk.VBox False 10 window.add vbox # Could have used..

Running function 5 seconds after pygtk widget is shown


5000 timer_cb def destroy_cb widget data None gtk.main_quit def main window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL window.connect..

How do I render *parts* of a svg file?


gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER window.connect destroy gtk.main_quit window.show document minidom.parse cards.svg element xpath.Evaluate.. image.set_from_pixbuf pixbuf image.show window.add image gtk.main It doesn't work of course. What am I missing python gtk svg.. gtk.Window window.set_title Foo window.connect destroy gtk.main_quit window.show svg rsvg.Handle file 'cards.svg' pixbuf svg.get_pixbuf..

Detect user logout / shutdown in Python / GTK under Linux - SIGTERM/HUP not received


atexit.register at f Test sys.exitfunc ex gtk.quit_add gtk.main_level foo gtk.main open exit_event wb Not one of these succeeds.. at f Test sys.exitfunc ex gtk.quit_add gtk.main_level foo gtk.main open exit_event wb Not one of these succeeds is there any low..

Simple pygtk and threads example please


self.two self.wTree.signal_autoconnect dic gtk.main def sone self widget time.sleep 1 print 1 time.sleep 1 print..

Python Glade could not create GladeXML Object


You clicked the button app QueryRelevanceEvaluationApp gtk.main And the foo.glade file xml version 1.0 interface requires lib.. You clicked the button app QueryRelevanceEvaluationApp gtk.main EDIT2 Beware that i cannot see any handler in your GtkBuilder..

Is this possible to draw GtkTreeView listed like GtkIconView?


pixbuf w gtk.Window w.connect 'destroy' lambda w gtk.main_quit sw gtk.ScrolledWindow w.add sw sw.add iv w.show_all gtk.main..

Preventing window overlap in GTK


How to display an image from web?


gtk.Window window.set_size_request 800 700 window.show gtk.main now I want to load in this window an image from web and not.. self widget data None print destroy signal occurred gtk.main_quit def __init__ self self.window gtk.Window gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL.. self.image self.image.show self.window.show def main self gtk.main if __name__ __main__ MainWin .main share improve this answer..

Socket Thread and PyGTK


__main__ myui UI reception Receive_Socket reception.start gtk.main My questions 1 Does this kind of code seem efficient Is it Having..

How to get transparent background in window with PyGTK and PyCairo?


win.set_decorated False win.connect 'delete_event' gtk.main_quit win.connect 'expose event' expose win.set_app_paintable.. 'expose event' expose win.set_app_paintable True win.show gtk.main if __name__ '__main__' sys.exit main sys.argv So what is the..

Finding the workspace size (screen size less the taskbar) using GTK


Need a simple “Hello World” example using the Webkit library in Python


win.add sw win.show_all view.open http w3.org gtk.main That should give you good hints for starting. share improve..

Drawing in PyGobject (python3)


'Invalid double buffer' def main_quit self widget Quit Gtk Gtk.main_quit def on_draw self widget cr Throw double buffer into widget.. return False if __name__ '__main__' gui MyApp Gtk.main Glade file test.glade xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 interface..

How to send commands to pygobject virtual terminal?


Threading in Gtk python


file class Gui ... def on_update_click update app Gui Gtk.main update.py file def update #check site for updates time.sleep.. 6hrs I suspect I'll have to use threading. my thinking is Gtk.main runs the main thread. when the user clicks the update button.. anymore D so what happens now is that only when I close Gtk.main does the update thread only start. It's good that is continues..

Extending from GtkBin


self.add Gtk.Entry win Gtk.Window win.connect delete event Gtk.main_quit search QuickSearch win.add search win.show_all Gtk.main.. search QuickSearch win.add search win.show_all Gtk.main The problems are the following If I use it alone as in this.. child_allocation win Gtk.Window win.connect delete event Gtk.main_quit search QuickSearch win.add search win.show_all Gtk.main..

How to do background task in gtk3-python?


self.window Gtk.Window self.window.connect 'delete event' Gtk.main_quit self.box Gtk.Box self.window.add self.box self.label Gtk.Label.. gobject.threads_init Gdk.threads_enter Gtk.main Gdk.threads_leave def working1 self.label.set_text 'working1'.. self.window Gtk.Window self.window.connect 'delete event' Gtk.main_quit self.box Gtk.Box self.window.add self.box self.label Gtk.Label..

Has threading in GTK w/ Python changed in PyGObject introspection?


fs #Stopping the thread and the gtk's main loop fs.stop Gtk.main_quit #Gui bootstrap window and progressbar window Gtk.Window.. and starting the thread fs FractionSetter fs.start Gtk.main In the documentation for Gdk's threading capabilities it stresses..

Python. Doing some work on background with Gtk GUI


self.outBut self.Window.show_all def stop self Gtk.main_quit def passfun self pass class LoopSleep Thread def run self.. loopSleep.start Gdk.threads_init Gdk.threads_enter Gtk.main Gdk.threads_leave But it does not work. Several cycles occurs.. threading.Thread target loop_sleep .start def stop self Gtk.main_quit def passfun self pass def loop_sleep i 1 while True print..