

python Programming Glossary: grey_image

How do I track motion using OpenCV in Python?


frame color_image cv.CreateImage cv.GetSize frame 8 3 grey_image cv.CreateImage cv.GetSize frame cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 moving_average.. # Convert the image to grayscale. cv.CvtColor difference grey_image cv.CV_RGB2GRAY # Convert the image to black and white. cv.Threshold.. # Convert the image to black and white. cv.Threshold grey_image grey_image 70 255 cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY # Dilate and erode to..

Python OpenCV: Detecting a general direction of movement?


cv.QueryFrame self.capture frame_size cv.GetSize frame grey_image cv.CreateImage cv.GetSize frame cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 moving_average.. # Convert the image to grayscale. cv.CvtColor difference grey_image cv.CV_RGB2GRAY # Convert the image to black and white. cv.Threshold.. # Convert the image to black and white. cv.Threshold grey_image grey_image 70 255 cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY # Dilate and erode to..