

python Programming Glossary: gray

OpenCV dot target detection not finding all targets, and found circles are offset


cv2.destroyAllWindows im cv2.imread 'small_test.jpg' gray cv2.cvtColor im cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY #I've tried blur bw tr..... bw tr... all give me poor results. blur cv2.GaussianBlur gray 3 3 0 n bw cv2.threshold blur 120 255 cv2.THRESH_BINARY tr cv2.adaptiveThreshold.. blur 255 0 1 11 2 circles cv2.HoughCircles gray cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT 3 100 None 200 100 5 16 try n np.shape..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


size img.size std endl Convert RGB Mat to GRAY cv Mat gray cv cvtColor img gray CV_BGR2GRAY std cout Gray image size gray.size.. endl Convert RGB Mat to GRAY cv Mat gray cv cvtColor img gray CV_BGR2GRAY std cout Gray image size gray.size std endl Erode.. cv cvtColor img gray CV_BGR2GRAY std cout Gray image size gray.size std endl Erode image to remove unwanted noises int erosion_size..

How can I plot NaN values as a special color with imshow in matplotlib?


that I can set NaNs to be drawn with a special color eg gray or transparent python matplotlib nan share improve this question..

Finding number of colored shapes from picture using Python


files images dna.jpeg dna scipy.misc.imread 'dna.jpeg' # gray scale image # smooth the image to remove small objects set the..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


as np import cv2 im cv2.imread 'pitrain.png' im3 im.copy gray cv2.cvtColor im cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY blur cv2.GaussianBlur gray.. cv2.cvtColor im cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY blur cv2.GaussianBlur gray 5 5 0 thresh cv2.adaptiveThreshold blur 255 1 1 11 2 #################.. im cv2.imread 'pi.png' out np.zeros im.shape np.uint8 gray cv2.cvtColor im cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY thresh cv2.adaptiveThreshold..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


GRAY cv Mat gray cv cvtColor img gray CV_BGR2GRAY std cout Gray image size gray.size std endl Erode image to remove unwanted..

How do I transfer data in .csv file into my sqlite database in django?


rows from the csv file http www.graychase.com aabbas Gray Chase LLP Amr A Abbas The George Washington University Law School.. University Law School 2005 http www.graychase.com kadam Gray Chase LLP Karin Adam Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald.. www.graychase.com babbas year_graduated 2005 firm_name Gray Chase first Amr A but I kept getting the integer error. Finally..

Obtain Latitude and Longitude from a GeoTIFF File


W 33d45'52.46 N Band 1 Block 512x16 Type Byte ColorInterp Gray This output may be all you need. If you want to do this programmaticly..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


Edit 5 Better Solution As suggested by Gandalf The Gray below gets is even faster than scanf or the unsynchronized cin..