

python Programming Glossary: grep

How do I detect whether sys.stdout is attached to terminal or not? [duplicate]


OR python foo.py output.txt # redirection python foo.py grep .... # pipe The reason I ask this question is that I want to..

Compile the Python interpreter statically?


may also be helpful to run make with as follows make 2 1 grep 'renaming' This will show all modules that are failing to compile..

Dictionary vs Object - which is more efficient and why?


1000000 all i Obj i Run benchmark using CPython 2.5 lshw grep product head n 1 product Intel R Pentium R M processor 1.60GHz..

How to find out if Python is compiled with UCS-2 or UCS-4?


UCS 2 or UCS 4 Just what the title says. . configure help grep i ucs enable unicode ucs 24 Searching the official documentation..

How to implement a pythonic equivalent of tail -F?


of certain keywords In shell I might say tail f file grep string while read hit do #stuff done python file tail share..

Can I use Python as a bash replacement?


express in any other language. Specific programs awk sed grep etc. can often be rewritten as Python modules. Don't go overboard... Don't go overboard. Replace what you need and evolve your grep module. Don't start out writing a Python module that replaces.. Don't start out writing a Python module that replaces grep . The best thing is that you can do this in steps. Replace AWK..

Parsing a stdout in Python


to know its version. I will call os.system wget version grep Wget and then I will parse the outputted string. How to redirect.. question One old way is fin fout os.popen4 wget version grep Wget print fout.read The other modern way is to use a subprocess..

Windows is not passing command line arguments to Python programs executed from the shell


... PATHEXT ... .PY .... assoc .py .py Python.File ftype grep Python Python.CompiledFile C Python25 python.exe 1 Python.File..

Which is faster in Python: x**.5 or math.sqrt(x)?


SMP Thu Dec 2 02 41 37 UTC 2010 x86_64 cat proc cpuinfo grep 'model name' head 1 model name Intel R Core TM i7 CPU 920 @..

How to escape os.system() calls in Python?


s return s.replace .replace .replace os.system cat s grep something sort s sh_escape in_filename sh_escape out_filename..

Get hard disk serial number using Python on Linux


here. To find out what is going on with HDIO_GET_IDENTITY grep the source code for it on Ubuntu this is at usr include linux..

setuptools: package data folder location


Updated Example of a shell function to recursively grep Python files atlas function grep_py find . name ' .py' exec.. function to recursively grep Python files atlas function grep_py find . name ' .py' exec grep Hn atlas grep_py . setup.py.. files atlas function grep_py find . name ' .py' exec grep Hn atlas grep_py . setup.py 9 package_data 'foo' 'data resource1..

Python replace multiple strings


what is the proper way to do this kind of like how in grep regex you can do 1 and 2 to replace fields to certain search..

How to recognize whether a script is running on a tty?


Python script Example of such behavior in existing program grep color auto highlights matches when running in interactive shell..

How can I detect if a file is binary (non-text) in python?


makes the output look incredibly messy. I know I could use grep I but I am doing more with the data than what grep allows for... use grep I but I am doing more with the data than what grep allows for. In the past I would have just searched for characters..