

python Programming Glossary: unused

XML parsing in Python [closed]


Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice?


for example pylint can do for you is to warn you about unused local variables wish it could do it for unused globals as well.. you about unused local variables wish it could do it for unused globals as well but for reusable components that's just a tad.. catch this eventually right lint will tell you about an unused local variable nmae and you will immediately fix it. But if..

python list in sql query as parameter


DBAPI paramstyle. placeholders ' '.join placeholder for unused in l query 'SELECT name FROM students WHERE id IN s ' placeholders..

list python package dependencies without loading them?


follow dependencies recursively ` u` tells sfood to ignore unused imports ` q` tells sfood to be quiet about debugging information..

Are there any static analysis tools for Python?


it but it will catch undefined variables basic type errors unused code etc. You'll want to tweak the configuration file as by..

Should wildcard import be avoided?


to just turn them off because there might be other unused imports that are actually useful to see. Another option would..

Why are scripting languages (e.g. Perl, Python, Ruby) not suitable as shell languages? [closed]


a bit to make it more Windows friendly like using the now unused backtick as an escape character instead of the backslash which..

How do you verify an RSA SHA1 signature in Python?


1 2 840 113549 1 1 1 16 05 0 NULL 18 03 141 BIT STRING 0 unused bits encapsulates 22 30 137 SEQUENCE 25 02 129 INTEGER 00 DF..

How can you find unused functions in Python code?


can you find unused functions in Python code So you've got some legacy code lying.. delete dead functions I've seen these two references Find unused code and Tool to find unused functions in php project but they.. these two references Find unused code and Tool to find unused functions in php project but they seem specific to C# and PHP..

Why is early return slower than else?


and we know the value is not in the table. The slot is unused but was used in the past in which case we go try the next value..

Recommended Python publish/subscribe/dispatch module?


issues Arguments checking made by PyDispatcher is slow. Unused connections have unnecessary overhead. AFAIK it's very unlikely..

Tool to enforce python code style/standards


z0 9_ 2 30 E 6 myfunc Undefined variable 'blh' W 5 myfunc Unused variable 'blah' W 2 Unused import somefakelib They are all valid.. variable 'blh' W 5 myfunc Unused variable 'blah' W 2 Unused import somefakelib They are all valid complaints but I tend.. docstring E 6 myfunc Undefined variable 'blh' W 5 myfunc Unused variable 'blah' W 2 Unused import somefakelib PyLint also generates..

Can I use JSON data to add new objects in Django?


the save method of Data a new Member instance is created. Unused values are simply discarded. json Record 12345 Name Joe Event..

Are there any static analysis tools for Python?


Accessing protected attribute of client class # W0613 Unused argument # W0232 Class has no __init__ method # R0903 Too few.. # Already an error when wildcard imports are used # W0614 Unused import from wildcard # Sometimes disabled depending on how bad..

Should wildcard import be avoided?


from PyQt4.QtGui import then pylint gives hundreds of Unused import warnings. I'm hesitant to just turn them off because..