

python Programming Glossary: update0

System V shared memory in Python?


Python Are they hidden somewhere in the standard library Update0 I'm after System V bindings that can be found in the Ubuntu..

Prevent a console app from closing when not invoked from an existing terminal?


other wrapper process workarounds are highly undesirable. Update0 Using Alex Martelli's answer below I've produced this function.. code is an alternative implementation as originating in Update0. If using pywin32 is not an option follow the link in the accepted..

What's the reverse of shlex.split?


that of a Unix shell given a list of strings I wish quoted Update0 I've located a Python bug and made corresponding feature requests..

Raising exceptions when an exception is already present in Python 3


the outermost exception and reraise the earlier exceptions Update0 This question specifically addresses Python 3 as its exception..

Use a class in the context of a different module


different Clone a module and make changes to the copy Update0 The example above is only for illustration of what I'm trying..