

python Programming Glossary: urlencode

oauth google using python


sign '&'.join SECRET token_secret '&'.join map urlencode 'GET' url parameters 'signing' body urllib.urlencode SCOPE request.. map urlencode 'GET' url parameters 'signing' body urllib.urlencode SCOPE request urllib2.Request url ' ' body request.add_header.. 'for use with re.sub' return ' 02X' ord match.group def urlencode string unreserved ALPHA DIGIT ' ' '.' '_' '~' return re.sub..

How to percent-encode url parameters in python?


throw an exception is there a better library python url urlencode urllib share improve this question From the docs urllib.quote..

urlencode an array of values


an array of values I'm trying to urlencode an dictionary in.. an array of values I'm trying to urlencode an dictionary in python with urllib.urlencode. The problem is.. trying to urlencode an dictionary in python with urllib.urlencode. The problem is I have to encode an array. The result needs..

Python, opposite function urllib.urlencode


opposite function urllib.urlencode how can i convert data after processing urllib.urlencode to.. how can i convert data after processing urllib.urlencode to dict urllib.urldecode does not exist. python urllib share.. urllib share improve this question As the docs for urlencode say The urlparse module provides the functions parse_qs and..

Python mechanize login to website


POST http domain.com index.php application x www form urlencoded TextControl login_nick USERNAME PasswordControl login_pwd PASSWORD.. mechanize is messing with my urlencoding I have already urlencoded the values specifically for the charset that the website uses.. uses . For example my username contains an which I have urlencoded to C5. However when it's sent with mechanize it's displayed..

Simple URL GET/POST function in Python


for httplib2 from httplib2 import Http from urllib import urlencode h Http data dict name Joe comment A test comment resp content.. h.request http bitworking.org news 223 Meet Ares POST urlencode data resp 'status' '200' 'transfer encoding' 'chunked' 'vary'..

Python urlencode string


urlencode string I am trying to urlencode this string before I submit... urlencode string I am trying to urlencode this string before I submit. queryString 'eventName ' evt.fields.. this question You need to pass your parameters into urlencode as either a mapping dict or a sequence of 2 tuples like import..

How does one encode and decode a string with Python for use in a URL?


given String B it returns String A python string hash urlencode clean urls share improve this question One way of doing..