

python Programming Glossary: urllib.request.urlopen

Python 3 - urllib, HTTP Error 407: Proxy Authentication Required


to open a website I am behind a corporate proxy using urllib.request.urlopen but I am getting the error urllib.error.HTTPError HTTP Error..

HTTPS request results in reset connection in Windows with Python 3


Agent' Netscape 6.0 if bt hdrs 'Content Type' bt urlopen urllib.request.urlopen Request urllib.request.Request start_req time.time logger.debug..

Pygame Error - Pygame not installed correctly [duplicate]


Crawler doesn't run because of error in htmlfile = urllib.request.urlopen(urls[i])


doesn't run because of error in htmlfile urllib.request.urlopen urls i im trying to do a web crawler that a user writes a websites.txt.. urls webpgsinfile while i len urls htmlfile urllib.request.urlopen urls i htmltext htmlfile.read print htmltext titles re.findall.. example from bs4 import BeautifulSoup response urllib.request.urlopen url soup BeautifulSoup response.read from_encoding response.info..

Can?™t download youtube video


Here ™s the code. The problem is the last part. download urllib.request.urlopen download_url .read # Youtube video download script # 10n1z3d.. Invalid URL. exit 1 print Parsing token... try url str urllib.request.urlopen 'http www.youtube.com get_video_info video_id ' video_id .read.. video_id video_id t token_value fmt 18 except url str urllib.request.urlopen 'www.youtube.com watch v ' video_id exit 1 v_url str urllib.request.urlopen..

What is the quickest way to HTTP GET in Python?


example.com foo bar .read Python 3.x import urllib.request urllib.request.urlopen http example.com foo bar .read How is that share improve this..

Web scraping urlopen in python


html code and I don't understand why. It goes like html urllib.request.urlopen http www.boursorama.com includes cours last_transactions.phtml..

Python download a file


file.tar' headers 'User Agent' userAgent response urllib.request.urlopen req #Save the file f open 'file.tar' 'wb' f.write response.read..