

python Programming Glossary: urllib2.request

Is there any way to do HTTP PUT in python


opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPHandler request urllib2.Request 'http example.org' data 'your_put_data' request.add_header 'Content..

Download file using partial download (HTTP)


the following will request a selected range of bytes req urllib2.Request 'http www.python.org ' req.headers 'Range' 'bytes s s' start.. s s' start end f urllib2.urlopen req For example req urllib2.Request 'http www.python.org ' req.headers 'Range' 'bytes s s' 100 150..

Python urllib2 Basic Auth Problem


urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler passman req urllib2.Request url f urllib2.urlopen req data f.read print data Unfortunately.. urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler passman req urllib2.Request http api.foursquare.com v1 user f urllib2.urlopen req data f.read.. headers to do authentication import urllib2 base64 request urllib2.Request http api.foursquare.com v1 user base64string base64.encodestring..

Python: HTTP Post a large file with streaming


import urllib2 f open 'somelargefile.zip' 'rb' request urllib2.Request url f.read request.add_header Content Type application zip response.. 0 access mmap.ACCESS_READ # Do the request request urllib2.Request url mmapped_file_as_string request.add_header Content Type application..

CURL alternative in Python


urllib2.OpenerDirector director.add_handler handler req urllib2.Request 'https app.streamsend.com emails' headers 'Accept' 'application..

urllib2 and json


import json import urllib2 data json.dumps 1 2 3 req urllib2.Request url data 'Content Type' 'application json' f urllib2.urlopen..

Does python urllib2 will automaticly uncompress gzip data from fetch webpage


it from StringIO import StringIO import gzip request urllib2.Request 'http example.com ' request.add_header 'Accept encoding' 'gzip'..

Python - HEAD request with urllib2


with misc_urllib2.py containing class HeadRequest urllib2.Request def get_method self return HEAD class MyHTTPRedirectHandler.. question This works just fine import urllib2 request urllib2.Request 'http localhost 8080' request.get_method lambda 'HEAD' response..

Python - can I detect unicode string language code?


language detect v 1.0 s' urllib.urlencode query request urllib2.Request url None headers dict Referer referrer d json.load urllib2.urlopen.. #NOTE use POST to allow more than 2K characters request urllib2.Request url data headers 'X HTTP Method Override' 'GET' d json.load.. #NOTE use POST to allow more than 2K characters request urllib2.Request url data headers 'X HTTP Method Override' 'GET' d json.load..

Using an HTTP PROXY - Python


debuglevel 1 urllib2.install_opener opener req urllib2.Request url None headers html urllib2.urlopen req .read print html ..

Python urllib2, basic HTTP authentication, and tr.im


taken from another thread import urllib2 base64 request urllib2.Request http api.foursquare.com v1 user base64string base64.encodestring..

Using MultipartPostHandler to POST form-data with Python


urllib2.install_opener opener request urllib2.Request url post_data request.set_proxy ' 8080' 'http' # For.. open DSC0001.jpg # Create the Request object request urllib2.Request http localhost 5000 upload_image datagen headers # Actually..