

python Programming Glossary: urllib.urlopen

Fetch a Wikipedia article with Python


I try to fetch a Wikipedia article with Python's urllib f urllib.urlopen http en.wikipedia.org w index.php title Albert_Einstein printable..

How to make the python interpreter correctly handle non-ASCII characters in string operations?


header # usr bin python2.4 # coding utf 8 The code f urllib.urlopen url soup BeautifulSoup f s soup.find 'div' 'id' 'main_count'..

Django: add image in an ImageField from image url


import urllib img_url 'http www.site.com image.jpg' img urllib.urlopen img_url # Here I need to retrieve the image as the same way..

should I call close() after urllib.urlopen()?


I call close after urllib.urlopen I'm new to Python and reading someone else's code should urllib.urlopen.. I'm new to Python and reading someone else's code should urllib.urlopen be followed by urllib.close Otherwise one would leak connections.. The close method must be called on the result of urllib.urlopen not on the urllib module itself as you're thinking about as..

Google Search from a Python App


ajax services search web v 1.0 s' query search_response urllib.urlopen url search_results search_response.read results json.loads search_results..

BeautifulSoup Grab Visible Webpage Text


extraction share improve this question Try this html urllib.urlopen 'http www.nytimes.com 2009 12 21 us 21storm.html' .read soup..

What python libraries can tell me approximate location and timezone given an IP address?


the i p in the GET request string import urllib response urllib.urlopen 'http api.hostip.info get_html.php ip position..

How can one mock/stub python module like urllib


that needs to query a page on an external server using urllib.urlopen it also uses urllib.urlencode . The server could be down the.. on it for a test. What is the best way to control what urllib.urlopen returns python unit testing testing mocking share improve.. has import urllib def some_function_that_uses_urllib ... urllib.urlopen ... You could define your test like this import mymodule def..

Python form POST using urllib2 (also question on saving/using cookies)


' ' and query url ' ' if query url query resource urllib.urlopen url logger.debug 'GET url s s code d' url resource.url ..

How can I use the python HTMLParser library to extract data from a specific div tag?


def handle_data self data print data p LinksParser f urllib.urlopen http domain.com somepage.html html f.read p.feed html p.close..

Using an HTTP PROXY - Python


urlopen error Errno 11004 getaddrinfo failed Extra info urllib.urlopen .... works fine It is just urllib2 that is playing tricks.....

Python and BeautifulSoup encoding issues


share improve this question could you try r urllib.urlopen 'http www.elnorte.ec ' x BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup r.read..

utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x96 in python


filetocheck.readlines sitename countofsites.strip htmlfile urllib.urlopen sitename page htmlfile.read .decode 'utf8' match re.search Enter.. I changed the code to implement beautifulsoup htmlfile urllib.urlopen http www.homestead.com page BeautifulSoup ''.join htmlfile print.. filetocheck.readlines sitename countofsites.strip htmlfile urllib.urlopen sitename page BeautifulSoup ''.join htmlfile pagetwo str page..

Python & MySql: Unicode and Encoding


user id to the url to get full json stack urlobject urllib.urlopen base_url.format row 2 qnadatajson urlobject.read data json.loads..