

python Programming Glossary: urllib.urlencode

Google Search from a Python App


import json import urllib def showsome searchfor query urllib.urlencode 'q' searchfor url 'http ajax.googleapis.com ajax services search..

How to use Python to login to a webpage and retrieve cookies for later usage?


urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj login_data urllib.urlencode 'username' username 'j_password' password opener.open 'http..

Convert a curl POST request to Python only using standard libary


httplib for working with URLs import httplib urllib params urllib.urlencode 'apple' 1 'banana' 2 'coconut' 'yummy' headers Content type..

Python's mechanize proxy support


function into my script. For example if I have params urllib.urlencode 'id' id 'passwd' pw rq mechanize.Request 'http www.example.com'..

How can one mock/stub python module like urllib


on an external server using urllib.urlopen it also uses urllib.urlencode . The server could be down the page could change I can't rely..

Python form POST using urllib2 (also question on saving/using cookies)


'pass' def login theurl login_params init_cookies data urllib.urlencode login_params txheaders 'User agent' 'Mozilla 4.0 compatible.. exactly 1 argument d given len args url args 0 query urllib.urlencode list query.iteritems if not url.endswith ' ' and query url '.. login. This should populate our cookie jar. login_data urllib.urlencode 'email' self.login 'pass' self.password response self.opener.open..

Programmatically getting an access token for using the Facebook Graph API


'curl' 'https graph.facebook.com oauth access_token ' urllib.urlencode oauth_args oauth_response subprocess.Popen oauth_curl_cmd ..

Python URLLib / URLLib2 POST


requests to the server where I'll be storing the data data urllib.urlencode 'q' 'Status' u urllib2.urlopen 'http myserver inout tracker'.. This code does work and Posts to my web page properly data urllib.urlencode 'q' 'Status' h httplib.HTTPConnection 'myserver 8080' headers..

Python, opposite function urllib.urlencode


opposite function urllib.urlencode how can i convert data after processing urllib.urlencode to.. urllib.urlencode how can i convert data after processing urllib.urlencode to dict urllib.urldecode does not exist. python urllib share.. example import urllib import urlparse d 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' s urllib.urlencode d s 'a b c d' d1 urlparse.parse_qs s d1 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' The..

httplib: incomplete read


site I use a relatively straightforward POST approach data urllib.urlencode username username password password #POST in the data. req..

Good way to append to a string


Python - can I detect unicode string language code?


ajax.googleapis.com ajax services language detect v 1.0 s' urllib.urlencode query request urllib2.Request url None headers dict Referer.. url 'https www.googleapis.com language translate v2' data urllib.urlencode dict q t.encode 'utf 8' if isinstance t unicode else t for t.. www.googleapis.com language translate v2 detect' data urllib.urlencode dict q t.encode 'utf 8' if isinstance t unicode else t for t..

Python urlencode string


f 'eventName' 'myEvent' 'eventDescription' cool event urllib.urlencode f 'eventName myEvent eventDescription cool event' share improve..