

python Programming Glossary: urllib.urlretrieve

web2py url validator


http_default_error. See How to catch 404 error in urllib.urlretrieve for more information. Or you can switch to urllib2 which has..

Programmatically saving image to Django ImageField


following actually resides in a method of my model result urllib.urlretrieve image_url # image_url is a URL to an image # self.photo is the.. the upload_to folder it is instead stored as a tempfile by urllib.urlretrieve and later discarded. The ImageField.save method takes a filename.. if we have a URL if self.url and not self.photo result urllib.urlretrieve self.url self.photo.save os.path.basename self.url File open..

How to catch 404 error in urllib.urlretrieve


to catch 404 error in urllib.urlretrieve Background I am using urllib.urlretrieve as opposed to any.. 404 error in urllib.urlretrieve Background I am using urllib.urlretrieve as opposed to any other function in the urllib modules because.. to display a textual progress bar. This is Python 2.6. urllib.urlretrieve url filename reporthook data However urlretrieve is so dumb..

Django: add image in an ImageField from image url


answer above except it uses urllib2.urlopen because urllib.urlretrieve doesn't perform any error handling by default so it's easy to..

Save a file using the python requests library [duplicate]


if not block break handle.write block I usually just use urllib.urlretrieve . It works but if you need to use a session or some sort of..

Download file using partial download (HTTP)


file from scratch every time it executed import urllib urllib.urlretrieve http www.example.com huge growing file huge growing file I'd..

Python and urllib


works. This is my attempt import urllib sys zip_file urllib.urlretrieve ftp ftp2.census.gov geo tiger TIGER2008 01_ALABAMA Autauga_County..

Downloading a picture via urllib and python


beautifulsoup urllib share improve this question Using urllib.urlretrieve import urllib urllib.urlretrieve http www.gunnerkrigg.com comics.. this question Using urllib.urlretrieve import urllib urllib.urlretrieve http www.gunnerkrigg.com comics 00000001.jpg 00000001.jpg ..

Throttling with urllib2


RateLimit bucket filename t threading.Thread target urllib.urlretrieve args url filename rate_limiter t.start threads.append t for..

How to know if urllib.urlretrieve succeeds?


to know if urllib.urlretrieve succeeds urllib.urlretrieve returns silently even if the file.. to know if urllib.urlretrieve succeeds urllib.urlretrieve returns silently even if the file doesn't exist on the remote.. it just saves a html page to the named file. For example urllib.urlretrieve 'http google.com abc.jpg' 'abc.jpg' just returns silently even..