

python Programming Glossary: urlparse.urljoin

How to Mock an HTTP request in a unit testing scenario in Python


stylesheet @href' for i sheet in enumerate sheets cssurl urlparse.urljoin uri sheet sheets i cssurl return sheets Right now the code depends..

How can I normalize/collapse paths or URLs in Python in OS independent way?


this question Here is how to do it import urlparse urlparse.urljoin ftp domain.com a b c d .. .. 'ftp domain.com a b ' urlparse.urljoin.. ftp domain.com a b c d .. .. 'ftp domain.com a b ' urlparse.urljoin ftp domain.com a b c d e.txt .. .. 'ftp domain.com a b ' Remember..

feedparser fails during script run, but can't reproduce in interactive python console


site packages feedparser.py line 286 in _urljoin return urlparse.urljoin base uri File C Python26 lib urlparse.py line 215 in urljoin..

Scrapy - how to manage cookies/sessions


in subcategories subcategorySearchLink urlparse.urljoin response.url subcategorySearchLink self.log 'Found subcategory.. response for itemLink in hxs.select ... a @href itemLink urlparse.urljoin response.url itemLink print 'Requesting item page s' itemLink.. self.getFirst ... @href hxs if nextPageLink nextPageLink urlparse.urljoin response.url nextPageLink self.log ' nGoing to next search page..

Following links, Scrapy web crawler framework


for subcategory in subcategories subcategorySearchLink urlparse.urljoin response.url subcategorySearchLink yield Request subcategorySearchLink.. in hxs.select ' a @class title @href' .extract itemLink urlparse.urljoin response.url itemLink self.log 'Requesting item page ' itemLink.. a @id 'pagnNextLink' @href .extract 0 nextPageLink urlparse.urljoin response.url nextPageLink self.log ' nGoing to next search page..