

python Programming Glossary: user.objects.get

Can't add a User to the Database


self username self.cleaned_data 'username' try User.objects.get username username except User.DoesNotExist return username raise..

PASSWORD_HASHERS setting in Django


password of the user in Admin or in manage.py shell user User.objects.get username username # use set_password method user.set_password..

Separation of business logic and data access in django


as a function. services.py def activate_user user_id user User.objects.get pk user_id # set active flag user.active True user.save # mail.. clean_user_id self user_id self.cleaned_data 'user_id' if User.objects.get pk user_id .active raise ValidationError This user cannot be.. pattern. user_id self.cleaned_data 'user_id' user User.objects.get pk user_id # set active flag user.active True user.save # mail..

Cache a django view that has URL parameters


user cache.get user_id_ s user_id if user is None user User.objects.get pk user_id cache.set user_id_ s user_id user 10 60 # 10 minutes..

Django, updating a user profile with a ModelForm


def user_profile request success False user User.objects.get pk request.user.id upform UserProfileForm instance user.get_profile.. def user_profile request success False user User.objects.get pk request.user.id if request.method 'POST' upform UserProfileForm..

Why is it “Easier to ask forgiveness than permission” in python, but not in Java? [closed]


Ask for Forgiveness than Permission. Another example try User.objects.get username username except User.DoesNotExist return username raise..

Improving Python/django view code


# first see if the user is logged in user User.objects.get email username # if so get the user object if user.get_profile.. # if no session info redirect to login page else user User.objects.get email username if request.method 'POST' if 'Next Step' in request.POST.values.. username request.user.username user User.objects.get email username if user.get_profile .getting_started_boolean..

How can I have Django user registration single step (instead of two step)process with email compulsory?


self username self.cleaned_data username try User.objects.get username username except User.DoesNotExist return username raise..

MongoEngine User authentication (django)


import DoesNotExist def login_view request try user User.objects.get username request.POST 'username' if user.check_password request.POST..