

python Programming Glossary: user.py

Alembic --autogenerate producing empty migration


dev.py test.py core app models __init__.py user.py db alembic versions env.py alembic.ini I am using Flask and..

A Python module and package loading confusion


€ baby.py ‚  ‚  ”â € __init__.py ‚  œâ € __init__.py ‚  ”â € user.py ”â € start.py run.py from test import start start.py from .models.. from test import start start.py from .models import user user.py from . import foo print foo.baby.Baby baby.py Baby I am a baby..

python circular imports once again (aka what's wrong with this design)


'__main__' u user t team u.setTeam t t.setLeader u test user.py from test.team import team class user def setTeam self t if.. yet because you're still at the first line of team.py when user.py is run. Instead import only modules. This results in clearer..

python: how to import the class within the same directory or sub directory


I have a directory stores all the .py files. main.py user.py where class User resides dir.py where class Dir resides I want.. dir.py where class Dir resides I want to use classes in user.py dir.py how can I import these py into main.py. Further more.. these py into main.py. Further more how about if the user.py is in a sub directory python share improve this question..

Can't get Python to import from a different folder


Here is my directory structure Server server.py Models user.py Here's the contents of server.py from sys import path from os.. print path import user u user.User #error on this line And user.py class User Entity using_options tablename 'users' username Field..