

python Programming Glossary: user.save

PASSWORD_HASHERS setting in Django


# use set_password method user.set_password 'sahar' user.save # INSTEAD OF user.password 'sahar' user.save Also check your.. 'sahar' user.save # INSTEAD OF user.password 'sahar' user.save Also check your other views to correct the user.password '...'..

How to pass kwargs from save to post_save signal


False #set some other attrs on user here ... if commit user.save return user Then inside my custom post_save hook I have the.. here ... user._some 'some' user._other 'other' if commit user.save return user @receiver post_save sender User def create_profile..

Race conditions in django


user request.user user.points calculate_points user user.save The race condition should be fairly obvious A user can make..

Getting “Permission denied” page in the admin, while user has permission


change_magasin user.user_permissions.add delete_magasin user.save then when I check the permission I get In 100 user.has_perm..

Separation of business logic and data access in django


pk user_id # set active flag user.active True user.save # mail user send_mail ... # etc etc Using forms The other way.. pk user_id # set active flag user.active True user.save # mail user send_mail ... # etc etc Thinking in Queries You..

MySQL “incorrect string value” error when save unicode string in Django


user.first_name u'Rytis' user.last_name u'Slatkevi ius' user.save Incorrect string value ' xC4 x8Dius' for column 'last_name'.. 104 user.first_name u' але ий' user.last_name u' огданов' user.save Incorrect string value ' xD0 x92 xD0 xB0 xD0 xBB...' for column.. user.first_name u'Krzysztof' user.last_name u'Szukie oj ' user.save Incorrect string value ' xC5 x82oj xC4 x87' for column 'last_name'..

How to convert JSON data into a Python object


response 'name' user.username response 'username' user.save This works fine but how do I handle complex Json data objects..

How can I have Django user registration single step (instead of two step)process with email compulsory?


user.set_password self.cleaned_data password1 if commit user.save return user Notice the fields username tuple which excludes..