

python Programming Glossary: urlopen

urllib2 read to Unicode


I have tried something like import urllib2 req urllib2.urlopen 'http lenta.ru' content req.read The content is a byte stream.. it for a Unicode string. I need some way that when I do urlopen and then read to use the charset from the headers to decode..

Download image file from the HTML page source using python?


BeautifulSoup as bs import urlparse from urllib2 import urlopen from urllib import urlretrieve import os import sys def main.. test Downloads all the images at 'url' to test soup bs urlopen url parsed list urlparse.urlparse url for image in soup.findAll..

Facebook Graph API and Django


JSON this should be only a few lines from urllib2 import urlopen from simplejson import loads content loads urlopen 'http graph.facebook.com.. import urlopen from simplejson import loads content loads urlopen 'http graph.facebook.com 2439131959' .read content is now a..

How can one mock/stub python module like urllib


needs to query a page on an external server using urllib.urlopen it also uses urllib.urlencode . The server could be down the.. it for a test. What is the best way to control what urllib.urlopen returns python unit testing testing mocking share improve.. simple approach is to have your test override urllib's urlopen function. For example if your module has import urllib def some_function_that_uses_urllib..

python: urllib2 how to send cookie with urlopen request


urllib2 how to send cookie with urlopen request I am trying to use urllib2 to open url and to send.. urllib2 need to add cookie to the request somehow urllib2.urlopen http chess problems.prg Thanks in advance python urllib2 ..

How can I speed up fetching pages with urllib2 in python?


CLASS 103 SEC 01 I ran cProfile on it and as I assumed urlopen takes up a lot of time. Is there a way to fetch the pages faster.. 1397 unknown_starttag python time urllib2 urlopen cprofile share improve this question EDIT I'm expanding.. ' 'http achewood.com ' def fetch url return urllib2.urlopen url .read run_parallel_in_threads fetch urls As you can see..

How do I prevent Python's urllib(2) from following a redirect


login page. How do I prevent Python's urllib or urllib2 urlopen from following the redirect python urllib2 share improve.. urllib2.install_opener opener response urllib2.urlopen WHEREEVER print response.read print cookieprocessor.cookiejar..

Using an HTTP PROXY - Python


works fine the problem is dealing with urllib2. urllib2.urlopen http www.google.com .read returns urllib2.URLError urlopen error.. http www.google.com .read returns urllib2.URLError urlopen error Errno 10061 No connection could be made because the target.. the target machine actively refused it or urllib2.URLError urlopen error Errno 11004 getaddrinfo failed Extra info urllib.urlopen..

Are urllib2 and httplib thread safe?


shared OpenerDirector object which is used by urllib2.urlopen . Similarly httplib does not provide serialized access to HTTPConnection.. code snippet from urllib2.py Python 2.7.2 _opener None def urlopen url data None timeout socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT global.. condition when concurrent threads call install_opener and urlopen . Also note that calling urlopen with a Request object as the..

Discovering public IP programatically


Edit python code should be like from urllib import urlopen print urlopen 'http automation.whatismyip.com n09230945.asp'.. code should be like from urllib import urlopen print urlopen 'http automation.whatismyip.com n09230945.asp' .read share..

Python: get http headers from urllib call?


from urllib call does urllib fetch the whole page when a urlopen call is made I'd like to just read the http response header.. call import urllib2 myurl 'http bit.ly doFeT' page urllib2.urlopen myurl open connection get headers html page.readlines stream.. method to get the headers. From the urllib2 docs urllib2.urlopen url data timeout ... This function returns a file like object..