

python Programming Glossary: urlpatterns

Unable to serve static files like css, js in django python


from django.contrib import admin admin.autodiscover urlpatterns patterns '' url r'^ ' 'personnel_blog.views.home_page' url r'^admin.. url r'^admin ' include admin.site.urls if settings.DEBUG urlpatterns patterns '' url r'^media P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve'.. from django.contrib.staticfiles.urls import staticfiles_urlpatterns from django.conf.urls.static import static from django.contrib..

Django index page best/most common practice


a generic view specificially the direct to template view urlpatterns patterns 'django.views.generic.simple' r'^ ' 'direct_to_template'.. generic view to include it extra_context 'foo' 'bar' # etc urlpatterns patterns 'django.views.generic.simple' r'^ ' 'direct_to_template'..

What's the best solution for OpenID with Django?


wrapping my head around his trends e.g. the whole dynamic urlpatterns system in django openid . What's more I couldn't get login to..

How to require login for django generic views?


from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template urlpatterns patterns '' r'^foo ' login_required direct_to_template 'template'..

Django: Arbitrary number of unnamed urls.py parameters


I wrong there So it seems I need to do something like this urlpatterns patterns '' url r'^browse w w ' 'app.views.view' name model_browse.. is causing it I tried a simple repeating pattern instead urlpatterns patterns '' url r'^browse w ' 'app.views.view' name model_browse.. out the specific pieces within your view. As an example urlpatterns patterns '' url r'^browse P match . ' 'app.views.view' name..

How do I use the built in password reset/change views with my own templates


from django.contrib.auth.views import password_reset urlpatterns patterns '' r'^ accounts password reset ' password_reset 'template_name'..

Django: how do you serve media / stylesheets and link to them within templates


from django.contrib import admin admin.autodiscover urlpatterns patterns '' r'^admin . ' admin.site.root r'^ovramt ' 'dso.ovramt.views.index'.. r'^ovramt ' 'dso.ovramt.views.index' if settings.DEBUG urlpatterns patterns '' r'^media P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve'.. from django.conf import settings ... if settings.DEBUG urlpatterns patterns '' r'^static P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve'..

Django - CSRF verification failed


Here's my urlconf from django.conf.urls.defaults import urlpatterns patterns 'testapp1.views' r'^ ' 'index' r'^contact ' 'contact'..

Python + Django page redirect


from django.views.generic.simple import redirect_to urlpatterns patterns '' r'^one ' redirect_to 'url' ' another ' #etc... There.. to Yonatan from django.views.generic import RedirectView urlpatterns patterns '' r'^one ' RedirectView.as_view url ' another ' ..

Django + mod_wsgi + apache: ImportError at / No module named djproj.urls


279. patterns getattr self.urlconf_module urlpatterns self.urlconf_module File usr local lib python2.6 dist packages..

Execute code when Django starts ONCE only?


django-paypal setup


in my url's file for my account app I added urlpatterns patterns 'myproject.account.views' r'^payment url ' 'buy_my_item'..