

python Programming Glossary: urllib2.urlopen

urllib2 read to Unicode


string. I have tried something like import urllib2 req urllib2.urlopen 'http lenta.ru' content req.read The content is a byte stream..

Python urllib2 with keep alive


keepalive_handler urllib2.install_opener opener fo urllib2.urlopen 'http www.python.org' Note you should use urlgrabber version..

Django: add image in an ImageField from image url


name urlparse img_url .path.split ' ' 1 content urllib2.urlopen img_url .read # problem content must be an instance of File.. code is similar to pithyless' answer above except it uses urllib2.urlopen because urllib.urlretrieve doesn't perform any error handling.. img_temp NamedTemporaryFile delete True img_temp.write urllib2.urlopen url .read img_temp.flush im.file.save img_filename File img_temp..

Proxy with urllib2


with urllib2 I open urls with site urllib2.urlopen 'http google.com' And what I want to do is connect the same.. the same way with a proxy I got somewhere telling me site urllib2.urlopen 'http google.com' proxies 'http' '' but that didn't..

Python urllib2 Progress Hook


return bytes_so_far if __name__ '__main__' response urllib2.urlopen 'http www.ebay.com' chunk_read response report_hook chunk_report..

How do I download a file over HTTP using Python?


comes with the standard library. import urllib2 response urllib2.urlopen 'http www.example.com ' html response.read This is the most..

How can I use a SOCKS 4/5 proxy with urllib2?


8080 socket.socket socks.socksocket import urllib2 print urllib2.urlopen 'http www.google.com' .read You can also try pycurl lib and..

python multithreading for dummies


urllib2 # called by each thread def get_url q url q.put urllib2.urlopen url .read theurls '''http google.com http yahoo.com'''.split..

Does python urllib2 will automaticly uncompress gzip data from fetch webpage


uncompress gzip data from fetch webpage I'm using data urllib2.urlopen url .read I want to know How can I tell if the data at a URL.. ' request.add_header 'Accept encoding' 'gzip' response urllib2.urlopen request if response.info .get 'Content Encoding' 'gzip' buf..

How do I prevent Python's urllib(2) from following a redirect


cookieprocessor urllib2.install_opener opener response urllib2.urlopen WHEREEVER print response.read print cookieprocessor.cookiejar..

Using MultipartPostHandler to POST form-data with Python


# Make the request and capture the response try response urllib2.urlopen request print response.geturl except urllib2.URLError e print.. # Actually do the request and get the response print urllib2.urlopen request .read This worked perfect and I didn't have to muck..

Changing user agent on urllib2.urlopen


user agent on urllib2.urlopen How can I download a webpage with a user agent other than the.. a webpage with a user agent other than the default one on urllib2.urlopen python urllib2 user agent share improve this question Setting..