

python Programming Glossary: url_list

downloading files from Filetype fields?


information. print USAGE s url sys.argv 0 def _create_url_list url This method would create a list of downloads using the.. a style display inline position relative href . ' raw_data url_list base_url x for x in raw_list return url_list def _get_file_name.. . ' raw_data url_list base_url x for x in raw_list return url_list def _get_file_name url This method will return the filename..

Longest Prefix Matches for URLs


search .walk except KeyError return list url_list 'http www.google.com mail' 'http www.google.com document' 'http.. 'http www.facebook.com' url_trie trie.Trie for url in url_list url_trie url url searches http http www.go http www.fa http.. are ordered differently. from pytrie import StringTrie url_list 'http www.google.com mail' 'http www.google.com document' 'http..