

python Programming Glossary: urlparse.urlparse

how to extract domain name from URL


any subdomains My initial simplistic attempt was '.'.join urlparse.urlparse url .netloc.split '.' 2 This works for http www.foo.com but..

Parse custom URIs with urlparse (Python)


http. If I do not adjust urlparse's uses_ lists I get this urlparse.urlparse qqqq base id#hint 'qqqq' '' ' base id#hint' '' '' '' urlparse.urlparse.. qqqq base id#hint 'qqqq' '' ' base id#hint' '' '' '' urlparse.urlparse http base id#hint 'http' 'base' ' id' '' '' 'hint' Here is what.. parse then synthesize an http url and parse it again parts urlparse.urlparse qqqq base id#hint fake_url http parts 2 parts2 urlparse.urlparse..

How to write a web proxy in Python


https if self.get_argument start None true parsed urlparse.urlparse slug self.set_cookie scheme value parsed.scheme self.set_cookie..

Parse http GET and POST parameters from BaseHTTPHandler?


now I'm using this for GET def do_GET self parsed_path urlparse.urlparse self.path try params dict p.split ' ' for p in parsed_path 4..

Add params to given URL in Python


question params 'lang' 'en' 'tag' 'python' url_parts list urlparse.urlparse url query dict urlparse.parse_qsl url_parts 4 query.update params..

Download image file from the HTML page source using python?


images at 'url' to test soup bs urlopen url parsed list urlparse.urlparse url for image in soup.findAll img print Image src s image filename..

How can I unshorten a URL using python?


httplib import urlparse def unshorten_url url parsed urlparse.urlparse url h httplib.HTTPConnection parsed.netloc h.request 'HEAD'..

Throttling with urllib2


rate limit .1f rate_limit threads for url in urls path urlparse.urlparse url 'http' 2 filename os.path.basename path print 'Downloading..

Retrieving parameter from url in python


urlparse url 'http foo.appspot.com abc def ghi' parsed urlparse.urlparse url print urlparse.parse_qs parsed.query 'def' share improve..

Urllib and validation of server certificate


raise ssl. ''' def open self fullurl data None urlbits urlparse.urlparse fullurl if urlbits.scheme 'https' if ' ' in urlbits.netloc ..

How can I un-shorten a URL using python?


httplib import urlparse def unshorten_url url parsed urlparse.urlparse url h httplib.HTTPConnection parsed.netloc resource parsed.path..

How to run Python CGI script


BaseHTTPRequestHandler def do_GET self parsed_url urlparse.urlparse self.path if parsed_url.path config_path config read_config.. 405 else self.send_error 404 def do_POST self parsed_url urlparse.urlparse self.path path parsed_url.path ctype pdict cgi.parse_header..

Best way to convert a Unicode URL to ASCII (UTF-8 percent-escaped) in Python?


81 admin http xn hgi.ws admin Read more urllib.quote urlparse.urlparse urlparse.urlunparse urlparse.urlsplit urlparse.urlunsplit Edits..