

python Programming Glossary: url.split

how to filter duplicate requests based on url in scrapy


considers specific ids in the url def __getid self url mm url.split refer 0 #or something like that return mm def request_seen self..

downloading files from Filetype fields?


will return the filename extracted from a passed URL parts url.split ' ' return parts len parts 1 def _download_file url filename..

urllib2 file name


sure how that happened. EDIT2 I ended up using filename url.split ' ' 1 .split '#' 0 .split ' ' 0 Unless I'm mistaken this should..

How to download large file in python with requests.py?


code import requests def DownloadFile url local_filename url.split ' ' 1 r requests.get url f open local_filename 'wb' for chunk.. syntax I use it here def download_file url local_filename url.split ' ' 1 # NOTE the stream True parameter r requests.get url stream..

Can?™t download youtube video


if video_url.endswith ' feature related' video_id video_url.split 'www.youtube.com watch v ' 1 .split ' feature related' 0 elif.. 0 elif video_url.endswith ' feature dir' video_id video_url.split 'www.youtube.com watch v ' 1 .split ' feature dir' 0 elif video_url.endswith.. 0 elif video_url.endswith ' feature fvst' video_id video_url.split 'www.youtube.com watch v ' 1 .split ' feature fvst' 0 elif video_url.endswith..

replace characters not working in python


urljoin page link 'href' if url.find ' 1 continue url url.split ' ' 0 url url.split '#' 0 if url 0 4 'http' newpages.add.. if url.find ' 1 continue url url.split ' ' 0 url url.split '#' 0 if url 0 4 'http' newpages.add url pages newpages The..