

python Programming Glossary: urllib2

How to use Python to login to a webpage and retrieve cookies for later usage?


cookies share improve this question import urllib urllib2 cookielib username 'myuser' password 'mypassword' cj cookielib.CookieJar.. password 'mypassword' cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj login_data urllib.urlencode.. cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj login_data urllib.urlencode 'username'..

How do I download a file over HTTP using Python?


wget. So how do I download the file using Python python urllib2 urllib python requests podcast share improve this question.. requests podcast share improve this question Use urllib2 which comes with the standard library. import urllib2 response.. Use urllib2 which comes with the standard library. import urllib2 response urllib2.urlopen 'http www.example.com ' html response.read..

How can I use a SOCKS 4/5 proxy with urllib2?


can I use a SOCKS 4 5 proxy with urllib2 How can I use a SOCKS 4 5 proxy with urllib2 to download a.. 5 proxy with urllib2 How can I use a SOCKS 4 5 proxy with urllib2 to download a web page python proxy urllib2 socks share improve.. 5 proxy with urllib2 to download a web page python proxy urllib2 socks share improve this question You can use SocksiPy module...

How do I prevent Python's urllib(2) from following a redirect


by the login page. How do I prevent Python's urllib or urllib2 urlopen from following the redirect python urllib2 share.. or urllib2 urlopen from following the redirect python urllib2 share improve this question You could do a couple of things.. This is a quick little thing that shows both import urllib2 #redirect_handler urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler class MyHTTPRedirectHandler..

Using MultipartPostHandler to POST form-data with Python


data with Python Problem When POSTing data with Python's urllib2 all data is URL encoded and sent as Content Type application.. which creates an OpenerDirector you can use with urllib2 to mostly automatically POST with multipart form data. A copy.. 'email' FROM_ADDR # MIME encode the POST payload opener urllib2.build_opener MultipartPostHandler.MultipartPostHandler urllib2.install_opener..

Changing user agent on urllib2.urlopen


user agent on urllib2.urlopen How can I download a webpage with a user agent other.. a webpage with a user agent other than the default one on urllib2.urlopen python urllib2 user agent share improve this question.. other than the default one on urllib2.urlopen python urllib2 user agent share improve this question Setting the User..