

python Programming Glossary: urlfetch

Post request with multipart/form-data in appengine python not working


using the following code from google.appengine.api import urlfetch from poster.encode import multipart_encode from libs.poster.streaminghttp.. MSIE 5.5 Windows NT ' data str .join data result urlfetch.fetch url send_url payload data method urlfetch.POST headers.. result urlfetch.fetch url send_url payload data method urlfetch.POST headers headers logging.info result.content When this method..

Cannot fetch URLs from GAE local environment


but I can't find what is it. I also tried using urlfetch from gae with similar results same getaddrinfo failed I switched..

How can I pass my ID and my password to a website in Python using Google App Engine?


using Google App Engine from google.appengine.api import urlfetch url http www.google.com result urlfetch.fetch url if result.status_code.. import urlfetch url http www.google.com result urlfetch.fetch url if result.status_code 200 print content type text..

Best option for Google App Engine Datastore and external database?


simplify things as Daniel's answer suggests by just using urlfetch directly no tunnels no validation no encryption no filtering..

import mechanize module to python script


its functionality being replaced by the Google provided urlfetch. You'd need to re implement the mechanize.UserAgentBase class..

urllib.py doesn't work with https?


to use the API directly from google.appengine.api import urlfetch url https www.google.com result urlfetch.fetch url if result.status_code.. import urlfetch url https www.google.com result urlfetch.fetch url if result.status_code 200 doSomethingWithResult result.content..

How can I fetch() more than 1MB on Google App Engine?


than 1MB on Google App Engine Google App Engine limits urlfetch.fetch responses to 1MB . Is there any workaround of this switching.. an example that would be great. python google app engine urlfetch share improve this question With the brand new SDK 1.4.0..

How to convert XML to JSON in Python? [duplicate]


xml.dom.minidom to parse the XML data being returned by urlfetch . I'm also trying to use django.utils.simplejson to convert.. actual xml data as a string from remote server. result urlfetch.fetch url '' 'get' dom minidom.parseString result.content json..

Cron works on local host but not when deployed Appengine


App Engine uses a shared pool of IP addresses for outgoing urlfetch requests and Twitter search APIs does not support authentication...

Project structure for Google App Engine


logging import time from google.appengine.api import urlfetch from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template from google.appengine.api..

Google App Engine, How to make native file object?


file object I'm trying to convert some data got from urlfetch to native python file object. Does anyone know how to do this..

How do I save web images to App Engine's blobstore?


A handler that takes the posted URL encodes it and uses urlfetch to post it again to... A separate file upload handler that does.. use a file input. But I don't quite understand how to get urlfetch what it needs from just the image URL. My process either times.. by calling POST on the file upload handler. result urlfetch.fetch url blobstore.create_upload_url url_for 'blobstore upload'..

Is it possible to generate and return a ZIP file with App Engine?


import webapp from google.appengine.api import urlfetch def addResource zfile url fname # get the contents contents.. addResource zfile url fname # get the contents contents urlfetch.fetch url .content # write the contents to the zip file zfile.writestr..

AppEngine Python SDK for Windows fails to run apps with an EOFError


Python notepyd' WARNING 2011 09 30 11 51 10 549 urlfetch_stub.py 108 No ssl package found. urlfetch will not be able.. 30 11 51 10 549 urlfetch_stub.py 108 No ssl package found. urlfetch will not be able to validate SSL certificates. ERROR 2011 09..

GAE python threads not executing in parallel


here. Another idea if you are mostly waiting for the urlfetch you can run many urlfetch calls in parallel by using the async.. you are mostly waiting for the urlfetch you can run many urlfetch calls in parallel by using the async interface to urlfetch http.. urlfetch calls in parallel by using the async interface to urlfetch http code.google.com appengine docs python urlfetch asynchronousrequests.html..