

python Programming Glossary: upload_to

Programmatically saving image to Django ImageField


tested and works The image is saved directly into the 'upload_to' folder the upload_to being the one that is set on the ImageField.. image is saved directly into the 'upload_to' folder the upload_to being the one that is set on the ImageField All I need to do.. it basically an empty re named file. What's left in the 'upload_to' path is 2 files one that is the actual image and one that is..

Django: add image in an ImageField from image url


class Photo models.Model image models.ImageField 'Label' upload_to 'path ' I would like to create a Photo from an image URL i.e...

Why can't I upload jpg files to my Django app via admin/?


product models.ForeignKey Product photo models.ImageField upload_to 'products' In development mode every time I try to upload the..

How do you upload a file with a POST request on django-tastypie? [duplicate]


models.ForeignKey User video models.FileField _ 'Video' upload_to 'path_to_folder ' # save file to server video_views models.IntegerField..

Django upload_to outside of MEDIA_ROOT


upload_to outside of MEDIA_ROOT My deployment script overwrites the media.. UPLOAD_ROOT base_url ' uploads' image models.ImageField upload_to ' images' storage upload_storage UPLOAD_ROOT is defined in my..

High-precision clock in Python


Enforce unique upload file names using django?


into your model see Django documentation for FileField upload_to. For example in your models.py define the following function.. your FileField ImageField specify get_file_path as the upload_to value. file models.FileField upload_to get_file_path null True.. as the upload_to value. file models.FileField upload_to get_file_path null True blank True verbose_name _ u'Contact..

How to assign a local file to the FileField in Django?


class FileSaver models.Model myfile models.FileField upload_to files class Meta managed False Thank you in advance for your..

Django. Override save for model


is saved class Model model.Model image models.ImageField upload_to 'folder' thumb models.ImageField upload_to 'folder' description.. upload_to 'folder' thumb models.ImageField upload_to 'folder' description models.CharField def save self args kwargs.. thouths class Model model.Model _image models.ImageField upload_to 'folder' thumb models.ImageField upload_to 'folder' description..

Adding extra fields to django-registration form


models.ForeignKey User unique True logo models.ImageField upload_to 'organizations' name models.CharField max_length 100 null True..

Django Model Inheritance query a central table


class ProfileImage LessonModule file_loc models.ImageField upload_to profiles detail_file_loc models.ImageField upload_to profiles.. upload_to profiles detail_file_loc models.ImageField upload_to profiles blank True def render self t loader.get_template template..

How to use dynamic foreignkey in Django?


Photo models.Model picture models.ImageField null True upload_to '. images ' caption models.CharField _ Optional caption max_length..