

python Programming Glossary: urljoin

Get Timezone from City in Python/Django


from urllib import urlretrieve from urlparse import urljoin from zipfile import ZipFile import pytz # pip install pytz geonames_url.. # get file if not os.path.exists filename urlretrieve urljoin geonames_url filename filename # parse it city2tz defaultdict..

Sanitising user input using Python


BeautifulSoup library. import re from urlparse import urljoin from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup Comment def sanitizeHtml.. '' val # Remove scripts vbs js if attr in urlAttrs val urljoin base_url val # Calculate the absolute url tag.attrs.append..

How can I normalize/collapse paths or URLs in Python in OS independent way?


question Here is how to do it import urlparse urlparse.urljoin ftp domain.com a b c d .. .. 'ftp domain.com a b ' urlparse.urljoin.. domain.com a b c d .. .. 'ftp domain.com a b ' urlparse.urljoin ftp domain.com a b c d e.txt .. .. 'ftp domain.com a b ' Remember.. a b c d e.txt .. .. 'ftp domain.com a b ' Remember that urljoin consider a path directory all until the last after this is the..

feedparser fails during script run, but can't reproduce in interactive python console


packages feedparser.py line 1584 in resolveURI return _urljoin self.baseuri uri File C Python26 lib site packages feedparser.py.. C Python26 lib site packages feedparser.py line 286 in _urljoin return urlparse.urljoin base uri File C Python26 lib urlparse.py.. feedparser.py line 286 in _urljoin return urlparse.urljoin base uri File C Python26 lib urlparse.py line 215 in urljoin..

replace characters not working in python


in dict link.attrs link 'href' .replace '..' '' url urljoin page link 'href' if url.find ' 1 continue url url.split '..