

python Programming Glossary: uppercase

What is a metaclass in Python?


in your module should have their attributes written in uppercase. There are several ways to do this but one way is to set __metaclass__.. just have to tell the metaclass to turn all attributes to uppercase. Luckily __metaclass__ can actually be any callable it doesn't.. a class object with the list of its attribute turned into uppercase. # pick up any attribute that doesn't start with '__' and uppercase..

case-insensitive list sorting, without lowercasing the result?


But I get the opposite with sorted or list.sort because uppercase appears before lowercase. How can I ignore the case I've seen..

How to make unique short URL with Python?


1 will guarantee short unique URLS. 1 2 3 ... etc. Adding uppercase and lowercase letters to your alphabet will give URLs like those..

Checking the strength of a password (how to check conditions)


Perhaps you should look for the presence of some uppercase lowercase and digits instead However first another problem to..

python random string generation with upper case letters and digits


a string of size N. It should be made up of numbers and uppercase English letters such as 6U1S75 4Z4UKK U911K4 How can I achieve.. Answer in one line ''.join random.choice string.ascii_uppercase string.digits for x in range N In details with a clean function.. import random def id_generator size 6 chars string.ascii_uppercase string.digits ... return ''.join random.choice chars for x in..

Short rot13 function


c for c in s Can anyone make it better E.g supporting uppercase characters. This is less a question rather having fun finding..

Can I prevent modifying an object in Python?


making it check to see whether the attribute name was all uppercase or not. Of course this can be circumvented by the determined.. raise self.ConstCaseError 'const name s is not all uppercase' name self.__dict__ name value # replace module entry in sys.modules.. have been allowed const.ANSWER 42 # should be OK all uppercase try const.ANSWER 17 # not OK attempts to change defined constant..

Setting the correct encoding when piping stdout in python


to convert between iso8859 1 and utf 8 making everything uppercase in between. import sys for line in sys.stdin # decode what you..

Python regular expression matching a multiline block of text


the 'some_Varying_TEXT' part and all of the lines of uppercase text that comes two lines below it in one capture i can strip.. part no problem but I can't seem to catch the 4 5 lines of uppercase text. I'd like match.group 1 to be some_ Varying_ Text..

How to convert string to lowercase in Python?


any way to convert an entire user inputed string from uppercase or even part uppercase to lowercase eg. Kilometers kilometers... an entire user inputed string from uppercase or even part uppercase to lowercase eg. Kilometers kilometers. I am writing a program.. I am writing a program that doesn't work when any sort of uppercase word is inputed and it would take LOTS more lines of code to..

How can I do Unicode uppercase?


can I do Unicode uppercase I have this print 'example' example print 'exámple' exámple.. print EX MPLE Where the 'a' gets its accute accent but in uppercase. I'm using Python 2.6. python unicode case sensitive python..