

python Programming Glossary: urllib2.build_opener

How do you access an authenticated Google App Engine service from a (non-web) python client?


'billy.bob@gmail.com' passwd 'billybobspasswd' opener urllib2.build_opener auth_handler urllib2.install_opener opener But it makes no difference..

Python urllib2 with keep alive


import HTTPHandler keepalive_handler HTTPHandler opener urllib2.build_opener keepalive_handler urllib2.install_opener opener fo urllib2.urlopen..

Is there any way to do HTTP PUT in python


put share improve this question import urllib2 opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPHandler request urllib2.Request 'http example.org'..

Fetch a Wikipedia article with Python


agent. Straight from the examples import urllib2 opener urllib2.build_opener opener.addheaders 'User agent' 'Mozilla 5.0' infile opener.open..

Proxy with urllib2


proxy urllib2.ProxyHandler 'http' '' opener urllib2.build_opener proxy urllib2.install_opener opener urllib2.urlopen 'http www.google.com'..

How to use Python to login to a webpage and retrieve cookies for later usage?


password 'mypassword' cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj login_data urllib.urlencode 'username'..

Python seek on remote file


byterange range_handler range.HTTPRangeHandler opener urllib2.build_opener range_handler # install it urllib2.install_opener opener # create..

Python urllib2 Basic Auth Problem


None url username password urllib2.install_opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler passman req urllib2.Request url.. username password urllib2.install_opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler passman req urllib2.Request http..

python: urllib2 how to send cookie with urlopen request


Cookie is just another HTTP header. import urllib2 opener urllib2.build_opener opener.addheaders.append 'Cookie' 'cookiename cookievalue' f..

How to specify an authenticated proxy for a python http connection?


proxyport' auth urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler opener urllib2.build_opener proxy auth urllib2.HTTPHandler urllib2.install_opener opener..

Python - HEAD request with urllib2


of a page. I am trying import misc_urllib2 ..... opender urllib2.build_opener misc_urllib2.MyHTTPRedirectHandler misc_urllib2.HeadRequest.. takes at least 2 arguments 1 given If i just do opender urllib2.build_opener misc_urllib2.MyHTTPRedirectHandler then it works fine python..

How do I prevent Python's urllib(2) from following a redirect


cookieprocessor urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor opener urllib2.build_opener MyHTTPRedirectHandler cookieprocessor urllib2.install_opener..

Using an HTTP PROXY - Python


urllib2.ProxyHandler http http 80 opener urllib2.build_opener proxy_support urllib2.install_opener opener html urllib2.urlopen.. 5.0' proxy_support urllib2.ProxyHandler proxies opener urllib2.build_opener proxy_support urllib2.HTTPHandler debuglevel 1 urllib2.install_opener..

How do you get default headers in a urllib2 Request?


self req return self.do_open MyHTTPConnection req opener urllib2.build_opener MyHTTPHandler response opener.open 'http www.google.com ' The..

Python urllib2, basic HTTP authentication, and tr.im


uri TRIM_API_URL user USERNAME passwd PASSWORD opener urllib2.build_opener auth_handler urllib2.install_opener opener response urllib2.urlopen.. urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler password_mgr opener urllib2.build_opener auth_handler urllib2.install_opener opener response urllib2.urlopen..

Using MultipartPostHandler to POST form-data with Python


'email' FROM_ADDR # MIME encode the POST payload opener urllib2.build_opener MultipartPostHandler.MultipartPostHandler urllib2.install_opener..