

python Programming Glossary: urllib2.httpcookieprocessor

Python: Script to send SMS on International numbers?


handled cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj # To fool way2sms as if a Web browser is visiting the site..

Logging in to a web site with Python (urllib,urllib2,cookielib): How does one find necessary information for submission?


Login.aspx' cj CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj cookies cookielib.CookieJar #determine what I need to change..

How to use Python to login to a webpage and retrieve cookies for later usage?


cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj login_data urllib.urlencode 'username' username 'j_password'..

Logging into facebook with python


cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj opener.addheaders 'Referer' 'http login.facebook.com login.php'..

Python urllib3 and how to handle cookie support?


urllib2 cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj r opener.open http example.com But urllib3 has no build_opener..

Using CookieJar in Python to log in to a website from “Google App Engine”. What's wrong here?


here' jar cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor jar form_data urllib.urlencode form_data # data returned from..

Python form POST using urllib2 (also question on saving/using cookies)


debuglevel 0 urllib2.HTTPSHandler debuglevel 0 urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor self.cj self.opener.addheaders 'User agent' 'Mozilla 4.0 compatible..

Python: urllib/urllib2/httplib confusion


then check as part of your unit testing. cookie_handler urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor self.cookies redirect_handler HTTPRedirectHandler opener urllib2.build_opener..

Python urllib2 file upload problems


w cookies cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cookies MultipartPostHandler.MultipartPostHandler params uploaded..

Unable to load ASP.NET page using Python urllib2


jar cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj urllib2.HTTPSHandler debuglevel 1 # Grab information that..

302s and losing cookies with urllib2


the wrong branch. cj cookielib.CookieJar cookieprocessor urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj class MyHTTPRedirectHandler urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler def.. http_error_307 http_error_302 cookieprocessor urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj # Oh yeah. I'm using a proxy too to follow traffic. proxy..

How do I prevent Python's urllib(2) from following a redirect


http_error_307 http_error_302 cookieprocessor urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor opener urllib2.build_opener MyHTTPRedirectHandler cookieprocessor..

How do I add a header to urllib2 opener?


opener cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj opener.open 'http abc.com' opener.open 'http google.com'..

Python: How do you login to a page and view the resulting page in a browser?


1 cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj login_data urllib.urlencode 'username' username 'j_password'..

Python urllib2.open Connection reset by peer error


urllib2 cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj #Need to set a cookie opener.open http www.bkstr.com #Now..

Login to website using python


cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj login_data urllib.urlencode 'username' username 'j_password'..

Python 3.2 - cookielib


cj cookielib.CookieJar opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor cj login_data urllib.urlencode 'login' 'admin' 'pass' '123'..

python get headers only using urllib2


http_error_307 http_error_302 cookieprocessor urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor opener urllib2.build_opener MyHTTPRedirectHandler cookieprocessor..