

python Programming Glossary: urllib2.httperror

urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden


HTTP Error 403 Forbidden I am trying to automate download of.. raise HTTPError req.get_full_url code msg hdrs fp urllib2.HTTPError HTTP Error 403 Forbidden Thanks for your assistance python.. site headers hdr try page urllib2.urlopen req except urllib2.HTTPError e print e.fp.read content page.read print content Actually it..

urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request


HTTP Error 400 Bad Request my code goes like this def translate.. raise HTTPError req.get_full_url code msg hdrs fp urllib2.HTTPError HTTP Error 400 Bad Request Can you help me python entity framework..

Overriding urllib2 HTTPError and reading response HTML anyway


But when attempting to use this on my current url I get urllib2.HTTPError HTTP Error 500 Internal Server Error How can I fetch these error..

Python urllib2 HTTPBasicAuthHandler


this question It should throw an error more precisely an urllib2.HTTPError with the code field set to 401 you can see some adapted code..

Python's `urllib2`: Why do I get error 403 when I `urlopen` a Wikipedia page?


raise HTTPError req.get_full_url code msg hdrs fp urllib2.HTTPError HTTP Error 403 Forbidden This happened to me on two different..

Multiple (asynchronous) connections with urllib2 or other http library?


str p try result process urllib2.urlopen ret .read except urllib2.HTTPError urllib2.URLError pass results.append result I would like to..

What errors/exceptions do I need to handle with urllib2.Request / urlopen?


User Agent' try response urllib2.urlopen request except urllib2.HTTPError e checksLogger.error 'HTTPError ' str e.code except urllib2.URLError.. User Agent' try response urllib2.urlopen request except urllib2.HTTPError e checksLogger.error 'HTTPError ' str e.code except urllib2.URLError..

Proxy Check in python


the URL to test here sock urllib2.urlopen req except urllib2.HTTPError e print 'Error code ' e.code return e.code except Exception..

Using itertools.product and want to seed a value


to if it is real try file urllib2.urlopen finalurl except urllib2.HTTPError e print e.code im cStringIO.StringIO file.read img Image.open..

How to know if urllib.urlretrieve succeeds?


abc.jpg Traceback most recent call last MANY LINES SKIPPED urllib2.HTTPError HTTP Error 404 Not Found resp is actually HTTPResponse object..

python get headers only using urllib2


makes HTTPRedirectHandler work opener.add_handler urllib2.HTTPErrorProcessor opener.add_handler urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler try.. try res opener.open HeadRequest url except urllib2.HTTPError res pass res.close return dict code res.code headers res.info..