

python Programming Glossary: urlfetch.fetch

Post request with multipart/form-data in appengine python not working


MSIE 5.5 Windows NT ' data str .join data result urlfetch.fetch url send_url payload data method urlfetch.POST headers headers.. payload send_url http 8000 result urlfetch.fetch url send_url payload .join to_post 0 method urlfetch.POST headers.. multipart_encode payload send_url http 8000 t urlfetch.fetch url send_url payload .join data method urlfetch.POST headers..

python proxy to embed a google apps script service in an iframe


change the proxy time out in bs2grproxy.py like this resp urlfetch.fetch new_path self.request.body method newHeaders False False 30..

How can I pass my ID and my password to a website in Python using Google App Engine?


import urlfetch url http www.google.com result urlfetch.fetch url if result.status_code 200 print content type text plain..

urllib.py doesn't work with https?


import urlfetch url https www.google.com result urlfetch.fetch url if result.status_code 200 doSomethingWithResult result.content..

How can I fetch() more than 1MB on Google App Engine?


than 1MB on Google App Engine Google App Engine limits urlfetch.fetch responses to 1MB . Is there any workaround of this switching..

How to convert XML to JSON in Python? [duplicate]


actual xml data as a string from remote server. result urlfetch.fetch url '' 'get' dom minidom.parseString result.content json simplejson.load..

How do I save web images to App Engine's blobstore?


by calling POST on the file upload handler. result urlfetch.fetch url blobstore.create_upload_url url_for 'blobstore upload' .. and store it as a blob property. url imageurl result urlfetch.fetch url if result.status_code 200 prof.avatar db.Blob result.content..

Is it possible to generate and return a ZIP file with App Engine?


addResource zfile url fname # get the contents contents urlfetch.fetch url .content # write the contents to the zip file zfile.writestr..