

python Programming Glossary: urllib2.httphandler

Is there any way to do HTTP PUT in python


this question import urllib2 opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPHandler request urllib2.Request 'http example.org' data 'your_put_data'..

Tell urllib2 to use custom DNS


sock self.key_file self.cert_file class MyHTTPHandler urllib2.HTTPHandler def http_open self req return self.do_open MyHTTPConnection..

How do I unit test a module that relies on urllib2?


resp.code 200 resp.msg OK return resp class MyHTTPHandler urllib2.HTTPHandler def http_open self req print mock opener return mock_response..

Python form POST using urllib2 (also question on saving/using cookies)


urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler urllib2.HTTPHandler debuglevel 0 urllib2.HTTPSHandler debuglevel 0 urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor..

How to specify an authenticated proxy for a python http connection?


opener urllib2.build_opener proxy auth urllib2.HTTPHandler urllib2.install_opener opener conn urllib2.urlopen 'http python.org'..

debugging python web service


diveintomark.org xml atom.xml' opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPHandler debuglevel 1 feeddata opener.open request .read Debugging with..

How to make HTTP DELETE method using urllib2?


to urllib2 import urllib2 opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPHandler request urllib2.Request 'http example.org' data 'your_put_data'..

opening websites using urllib2 from behind corporate firewall - 11004 getaddrinfo failed


http proxy_url opener urllib2.build_opener proxy_support urllib2.HTTPHandler urllib2.install_opener opener HTTPBasicAuthHandler is used to..

Using an HTTP PROXY - Python


proxies opener urllib2.build_opener proxy_support urllib2.HTTPHandler debuglevel 1 urllib2.install_opener opener req urllib2.Request..

using pyOpenSSL to create urllib custom opener


MyHTTPSConnection req opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPHandler MyCHTTPSHandler urllib2.install_opener opener f urllib2.urlopen..

How do you get default headers in a urllib2 Request?


httplib.HTTPConnection.send self s class MyHTTPHandler urllib2.HTTPHandler def http_open self req return self.do_open MyHTTPConnection..

HTTP Authentication in Python


password_mgr opener urllib2.build_opener urllib2.HTTPHandler handler request urllib2.Request url Will set the user name and..

python get headers only using urllib2


That is all you need is to create a new opener and add the urllib2.HTTPHandler in it customize the request to be 'HEAD' request and pass an.. True opener urllib2.OpenerDirector opener.add_handler urllib2.HTTPHandler opener.add_handler urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler if redirections..