

python Programming Glossary: urllib.parse

How to use 2to3 tool in windows?


json except ImportError import simplejson as json try from urllib.parse import quote except ImportError from urllib import quote try..

Why does Python say this Netscape cookie file isn't valid?


grab the HTML import http.cookiejar import urllib.request urllib.parse urllib.error def get_page url headers params filename cookies.txt.. Gecko 20110501 Firefox 5.0.1 Firefox 5.0.1' params urllib.parse.urlencode 'start' start 'q' ' ' search ' ' 'btnG' 'hl'..

Can?™t download youtube video


from urllib.request import urlopen FancyURLopener from urllib.parse import urlparse parse_qs unquote class UndercoverURLopener FancyURLopener..

How can I unshorten a URL using python?


example # This is for Py2k. For Py3k use http.client and urllib.parse instead and # use instead of for the division import httplib..

get site name from a URL in python


python share improve this question from urllib.parse import urlparse urlparse 'http www.cwi.nl 80 7Eguido Python.html'..

How can I un-shorten a URL using python?


question # This is for Py2k. For Py3k use http.client and urllib.parse instead and # use instead of for the division import httplib..

`from … import` vs `import .`


second form that would have to be import urllib.request urllib.parse urllib.error and you'd have to reference using the fully qualified..