

python Programming Glossary: upstart

What's the proper way to run some Python code asynchronously?


is running as a separate process in an independent upstart service. Now I need another one of those little asynchoronous.. with 'futures' so normally I would do that. python flask upstart share improve this question You should consider using Celery..

Run python script as daemon at boot time (Ubuntu)


the easiest way to do that I've been struggling with upstart but it doesn't seem to live in a background cuz after I execute.. run_simple app create_app run_simple '' 4000 app upstart configuration file my_server.conf description My service author.. be taken to make .py file be run by task handler such as upstart Place shebang as first line # usr bin env python Allow execution..

Need help running Python app as service in Ubuntu with Upstart


I appreciate any help you can give. Thanks. python ubuntu upstart share improve this question Thanks to unutbu's help I have..

Python script as linux service/daemon


some event loop twisted whatever you can try to use upstart . Here's an example upstart config for a hypothetical Python.. whatever you can try to use upstart . Here's an example upstart config for a hypothetical Python service description My service.. script You can stop it with stop script . What the above upstart conf says is to start this service on reboots and also restart..