

python Programming Glossary: urllib.request

Why does Python say this Netscape cookie file isn't valid?


I'm using to grab the HTML import http.cookiejar import urllib.request urllib.parse urllib.error def get_page url headers params filename.. get_page url headers params filename cookies.txt request urllib.request.Request url None headers params cookies http.cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar.. filename None None cookies.load cookie_handler urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor cookies redirect_handler urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler..

Python 3 - urllib, HTTP Error 407: Proxy Authentication Required


to open a website I am behind a corporate proxy using urllib.request.urlopen but I am getting the error urllib.error.HTTPError HTTP.. 407 Proxy Authentication Required I can find the proxy in urllib.request.getproxies but how do I specify a username and password to use.. proxy urllib share improve this question import urllib.request as req proxy req.ProxyHandler 'http' r'http username password@url..

Download progressbar for Python 3 [duplicate]


are good for me... additional info ok so i have this from urllib.request import urlopen import configparser #checks for files which need.. to report progess # usr bin env python3 import sys from urllib.request import urlretrieve def reporthook blocknum blocksize totalsize.. import Event Thread from tkinter import Tk ttk from urllib.request import urlretrieve def download url filename root progressbar..

Beautiful Soup findAll doen't find them all


this # usr bin python3 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from urllib.request import urlopen page urlopen http mangafox.me directory # print..

Python 3 Special characters escaping


3 Special characters escaping import urllib from urllib.request import urlopen address 'http www.iitb.ac.in acadpublic RunningCourses.jsp..

Can?™t download youtube video


Here ™s the code. The problem is the last part. download urllib.request.urlopen download_url .read # Youtube video download script #.. Youtube video download script # 10n1z3d at w dot cn import urllib.request import sys print n print Youtube Video Downloader print n.. Invalid URL. exit 1 print Parsing token... try url str urllib.request.urlopen 'http www.youtube.com get_video_info video_id ' video_id..

Grabbing text from a webpage


designed for parsing web pages. Between it and urllib2 urllib.request in Python 3 you should be able to figure out what you need...

What is the quickest way to HTTP GET in Python?


http example.com foo bar .read Python 3.x import urllib.request urllib.request.urlopen http example.com foo bar .read How is.. example.com foo bar .read Python 3.x import urllib.request urllib.request.urlopen http example.com foo bar .read How is that share improve..

`from … import` vs `import .`


from urllib import request and the fragment import urllib.request or if they are interchangeable. If they are interchangeable.. where in the second form that would have to be import urllib.request urllib.parse urllib.error and you'd have to reference using..

Persistence of urllib.request connections to a HTTP server


of urllib.request connections to a HTTP server I want to do some performance.. python http python 3.x share improve this question urllib.request doesn't support persistent connections. There is 'Connection..

Python download a file


a file I'm unsure how to do this. One way is import urllib.request urllib.request.urlretrieve 'www.example.com file.tar' 'file.tar'.. unsure how to do this. One way is import urllib.request urllib.request.urlretrieve 'www.example.com file.tar' 'file.tar' Another way.. file.tar' 'file.tar' Another way would be import urllib.request #Set as appropriate userAgent .... req urllib.request.Request..