

python Programming Glossary: uploads

How do you access an authenticated Google App Engine service from a (non-web) python client?


share improve this question appcfg.py the tool that uploads data to App Engine has to do exactly this to authenticate itself..

Python web development - with or without a framework


a life saver in the long run. I use it heavily for giant uploads of customer supplied files. Don't use bare CGI. It's not impossible..

Django upload_to outside of MEDIA_ROOT


and source directories which means I have to move the uploads directory out of the media directory and replace it after the.. has been extracted. How can I instruct django to upload to uploads instead of media So far I keep getting django Suspicious Operation.. FileSystemStorage location UPLOAD_ROOT base_url ' uploads' image models.ImageField upload_to ' images' storage upload_storage..

Using Windows 7 taskbar features in PyQt


see here and the quick links www.petri.co.il wp content uploads new_win7_taskbar_features_8.gif . If anyone could provide a..

Suspicious Operation Django


My questions are 1 How can I fix this problem for future uploads 2 Is it possible to fix my current images' paths without having..

Send a “304 Not Modified” for images stored in the datastore


calculating some kind of hash of the picture when the user uploads it and then use this to know if the user already has this image..

How do I perform HTML decoding/encoding using Python/Django?


quot title quot su1 quot src quot http blah.org wp content uploads 2008 10 su1 300x194.jpg quot alt quot quot width quot 300 quot.. margin left 15px title su1 src http blah.org wp content uploads 2008 10 su1 300x194.jpg alt width 300 height 194 I want this..

Why use pip over easy_install?


lie with PyPI and package authors mostly If an author uploads crap source tarball eg missing files no setup.py to PyPI then..

How do you convert a PIL `Image` to a Django `File`?


How can I do this python django django file upload django uploads share improve this question The way to do this without having..

IOError: request data read error


i'm doing an Ajax upload. For example out of every 5 file uploads it errors out on atleast 3. Other people seem to have had the..

Django file upload failing occasionally


normally works correctly but sometimes say once every 10 uploads and after a fairly long waiting time it fails with the following..

Best way to create a simple python web service [closed]


tags cache control headers HTTP dates cookie handling file uploads a powerful URL routing system and a bunch of community contributed..

SFTP in Python? (platform independent)


'__main__' site 'somewhere.com' #hard coded dir '. uploads ' #hard coded import sys getpass putfile sys.argv 1 site dir..

How do I handle file upload via PUT request in Django?


HttpRequest class specifically the part that handles file uploads I know a direct PUT is not a multipart MIME request so I don't.. body into memory which if you're talking about file uploads might be a very large amount so request.read is the way to go...

Send file using POST from a Python script


form data encoding as well as supporting streaming uploads so you don't have to load the entire file into memory before..

How do I correctly clean up a Python object?
