

python Programming Glossary: up

What is a metaclass in Python?


in Python type works this way type name of the class tuple of the parent class for inheritance can be empty dictionary.. create classes matching the current context. Imagine a stupid example where you decide that all classes in your module should.. in your module should have their attributes written in uppercase. There are several ways to do this but one way is to..

Having Django serve downloadable files


serving is handled by Apache Lighttpd. Once you've set up mod_xsendfile integrating with your view takes a few lines of..

The meaning of a single- and a double-underscore before an object name in Python


before an object name in Python I want to clear this up once and for all. Can someone please explain the exact meaning.. Example class MyClass ... def __init__ self ... self.__superprivate Hello ... self._semiprivate world ... mc MyClass print.. ... self._semiprivate world ... mc MyClass print mc.__superprivate Traceback most recent call last File stdin line 1 in..

Difference between __str__ and __repr__ in Python


like that can just work. This is why the œeval thing comes up if you have enough information so eval repr c c that means you.. digits pretend to be some other class as long is it supports readability it is an improvement. Container ™s __str__ uses..

How do I ensure that re.findall() stops at the right place?


a crawler to get me titles of web sites I might end up with something like this rather than a title for the web site... aaa3 title ' import re re.search ' title . title ' s .group 1 'aaa' If you wanted all tags then you should consider changing.. # 'aaa' 'aaa2' 'aaa3' But really consider using BeautifulSoup or lxml or similar to parse HTML. share improve this answer..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


below N in python This is the best algorithm I could come up with after struggling with a couple of Project Euler's questions... algorithm I could come up with after struggling with a couple of Project Euler's questions. def get_primes n numbers set.. numbers p numbers.pop primes.append p numbers.difference_update set range p 2 n 1 p return primes timeit.Timer stmt 'get_primes.get_primes..

The Python yield keyword explained


nested data even if it's a bit dangerous since you can end up with an infinite loop. In this case candidates.extend node._get_child_candidates.. expects iterables so it will work with strings lists tuples and generators This is called duck typing and is one of the.. special functions to manipulate iterables. Ever wish to duplicate a generator Chain two generators Group values in a nested..

Python 'self' explained


the same as functions and leaves the actual name to use up to you although self is the convention and people will generally..

How do you split a list into evenly sized chunks in Python?


I have a list of arbitrary length and I need to split it up into equal size chunks and operate on it. There are some obvious.. a counter and two lists and when the second list fills up add it to the first list and empty the second list for the next..

What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language?


with language translation being a special case since 1995 supported by a strong team of computer scientists. DMS provides.. simply doing a manual conversion for small code bases e.g. up to about 100K SLOC in our experience the economics simply don't..

Python variable scope question


while c raises an error The only explanation I can come up with is that a local variable c is created by the assignment..

What does `if __name__ == “__main__”:` do?


threading_example.py on the command line. After setting up the special variables it will execute the import statement and..

How to improve performance of this code?


case is still running It's been about 5 minutes now . I'll update this if and when it finishes. What should I do to improve.. share improve this question I've been tripped up by this before too. The bottleneck here is actually if neighbor.. and when you're doing linear searches on lists it can add up fast. What you can do is convert closedlist into a set object...

How to install pip on windows?


to install pip on windows What is the up to date way to install pip on windows Additional edits This.. 2012 06 17 install python on windows python windows setuptools pip easy install share improve this question Flying.. 2.x and 3.x 32 bit and 64 bit. You need to Install setuptools http www.lfd.uci.edu ~gohlke pythonlibs #setuptools Install..

Python's slice notation


slice notation To me this notation needs a bit of picking up. It looks extremely powerful but I haven't quite got my head..

Recommendations of Python REST (web services) framework? [closed]


REST and unless you're very careful about this you'll end up falling into a REST anti pattern . Some frameworks that get..

Python: How do I pass a variable by reference?


where outer_string pointed. I hope this clears things up a little. EDIT It's been noted that this doesn't answer the..

Python subprocess output on windows?


third party code via it in order to extract log output. Up until a recent update of the third party code everything worked.. stdout subprocess.PIPE stderr subprocess.STDOUT bufsize 1 Update Since you say communicate is deadlocking here is another..

How to accept keypress in command line python? [duplicate]


key stdscr.refresh if key curses.KEY_UP stdscr.addstr 2 20 Up elif key curses.KEY_DOWN stdscr.addstr 3 20 Down curses.endwin..

Python simulate keydown


0xAE # Volume Down key VK_VOLUME_UP 0xAF # Volume Up key VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK 0xB0 # Next Track key VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK..

Django Vote Up/Down method


Vote Up Down method I am making a small app that lets users vote items..

Speeding Up Python


Up Python This is really two questions but they are so similar..

regex for Twitter username


doing email @000 me @ whats.up@example.com @shahmirj Picks Up @Hello @you @shahmirj It will also work for hash tags I use..

Using crontab with django


This question already has an answer here Django Set Up A Scheduled Job 16 answers I need to create a function..

Finding a function's parameters in Python


down a chain of decorators back to the decorated function Update Here is effectively how I am doing this right now names.. return lambda junk junk1 junk2 Never Going To Give You Up class Foo object @rickroll def bar self p1 p2 return p1 p2 print..

Get hard disk serial number using Python on Linux


# 7 reserved 1407DT PARTIES # 6 SetF sub command Power Up # 5 Power Up in Standby Feature Set # 4 Removable Media Notification.. 1407DT PARTIES # 6 SetF sub command Power Up # 5 Power Up in Standby Feature Set # 4 Removable Media Notification # .. # 7 reserved 1407DT PARTIES # 6 SetF sub command Power Up # 5 Power Up in Standby Feature Set # 4 Removable Media Notification..

Decode json and Iterate through items in django template


listen.grooveshark.com playlist Tobacco_Fingerlicked_Up_Friends 32410276' u'Cache' u'FromCache' True u'PlaylistID' u'32410276'.. u'PlaylistID' u'32410276' u'Name' u'Tobacco Fingerlicked Up Friends' u'ModifiedTime' u'1279650743' u'Url' u'http listen.grooveshark.com.. u'Url' u'http listen.grooveshark.com playlist ReUp_Gang_We_Got_It_4_Cheap_Volume_3 43589616' u'Cache' u'FromCache'..

Old style and new style classes in Python


this question From http docs.python.org ref node33.html Up to Python 2.1 old style classes were the only flavour available..

Comprehensive tutorial on Pyinstaller?


If you use the second example just before the Wrapping Up section along with the official documentation Analysis it looks..

Trouble Setting Up MySQLdb Module


Setting Up MySQLdb Module I'm pulling my hair out over here trying to..

Django - Set Up A Scheduled Job?


Set Up A Scheduled Job I've been working on a web app using Django..

The best Django webcasts/videos [closed]


Check the screencasts section at This Week In Django . Update The TWID site appears to be down a condition which is likely.. the actual videos Eric Florenzano's Django from the Ground Up series were and are hosted at showmedo.com . share improve..

Circular dependency in Python


which define two classes Node and Path respectively. Up to today the definition for Path referenced the Node object..

Python simulate keydown


5 #user32.keybd_event keycode 0 0 0 #is the code for KEYDUP code The Sendkey module doesn't solve my problem either becuase.. 0x2000 MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN 0x0002 MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP 0x0004 MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN 0x0008 MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP 0x0010.. 0x0004 MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN 0x0008 MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP 0x0010 MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN 0x0020 MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP 0x0040..

How to move Sprite in Pygame


0 x self.player.center 1 y if event.key K_UP player.move 0 5 if event.key K_DOWN player.move 0 5 game im.. get it to move down on the down button press and up on the UP key press python pygame sprite share improve this question.. # down key self.y dist # move down elif key pygame.K_UP # up key self.y dist # move up if key pygame.K_RIGHT # right..

How do you round UP a number in Python?


do you round UP a number in Python This problem is killing me. How does one.. This problem is killing me. How does one roundup a number UP in Python I tried round number but it round the number down...

Django Celery implementation - OSError : [Errno 38] Function not implemented


after full rights on shmem are given problem still here... UP finally done dev shm was not mounted. so add shm to fstab mount..

How to code autocompletion in python?


match. To select an entry press ENTER . Also try using the UP DOWN keys to scroll through the keywords. share improve this..