

python Programming Glossary: unwanted

How do I get rid of Python Tkinter root window?


dialog but it looks like this The window on the left is unwanted. Should I skip the dialog and put all my components in the root..

Parsing HTML with BeautifulSoup


left 0.5em review y 0 .text The problem is that there is unwanted text in the unexpanded div tags that becomes tedious to remove.. For example python import bs4 text ' div style mine div unwanted div wanted div ' soup bs4.BeautifulSoup text soup.find_all div.. text soup.find_all div style mine 0 .text u'unwantedwanted' list soup.find_all div style mine 0 .strings 1 u'wanted'..

Using numpy.take for faster fancy indexing


the LUT and image and then discarding the planes 2 planes unwanted ones is faster than fancy indexing In 2 timeit np.take lut img..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


Gray image size gray.size std endl Erode image to remove unwanted noises int erosion_size 5 cv Mat element cv getStructuringElement..

Setting the size of the plotting canvas in Matplotlib


Especially when doing image analysis you dont want any unwanted resampling. Here is what i usually do although i would love..

Using Beautiful Soup Python module to replace tags with plain text


to parse the html as plain text first clear out all the unwanted tags and then call Beautiful Soup. But I would like to avoid..

Python: Random is barely random at all?


than others. Poor statistical properties could produce unwanted skew in the results. Good geometric properies mean that sets..

Should I worry about circular references in Python?


and or footprint. If and when you want to remove unwanted loops of references you can often use the weakref module in..

Remove items from a list while iterating without using extra memory in Python


del statement at the end of the function will remove any unwanted items at the end of the list and I think Python is intelligent..

Extracting text from HTML file using Python


but I've had a few problems using it. For one it picked up unwanted text such as JavaScript source. Also it did not interpret HTML..

Filter dict to contain only certain keys?


all items of old_dict. Removing everything in place unwanted set keys set your_dict for unwanted_key in unwanted del your_dict.. everything in place unwanted set keys set your_dict for unwanted_key in unwanted del your_dict unwanted_key share improve this..

Peak detection in a 2D array


is not noisy. If it were you would detect a bunch of other unwanted peaks in the background. Another important factor is the size..

Python: How to match nested parentheses with regex?


such as 1 0 1 0 1 ... I don't even care if it matches unwanted ones like 1 0 I can take care of those. Why it's not doing that..

Setting Mac OSX Application Menu menu bar item to other than “Python” in my python Qt application


and Foo . # usr bin python # This example demonstrates unwanted Python # application menu name on Mac. # Makes no difference..

In Python, How Do You Filter a String Such That Only Characters in Your List Are Returned?


if regular expressions are appropriate. Replacing unwanted characters seems problematic and I tend to prefer whitelisting..

Difference Between Multiple If's and Elif's Python


notanytext Just wondering if multiple ifs could cause any unwanted problems and if it was better practice to use elifs python..

How do i fill “holes” in an image?


an image I have photo images of galaxies. There are some unwanted data on these images like stars or aeroplane streaks that are..