

c# Programming Glossary: node's

C#: TreeView owner drawing with ownerdrawtext and the weird black highlighting when clicking on a node


is selected. No problem I added logic to check for if the node's state was highlighted and drew my own highlighting except the..

How to dynamically populate treeview (C#)


which also serves as the primary key. ID will also be the node's Name properties. Name column contain string that will be the.. Name column contain string that will be the treenode's Text attribute while ParentID is a column contains the node's.. Text attribute while ParentID is a column contains the node's parent ID. This is how my table looks like ID Name ParentID..

How to prevent blank xmlns attributes in output from .NET's XmlDocument?


out how to remove blank xmlns attributes pass in the root node's namespace when creating any child node you want not to have..

Two-way binding of Xml data to the WPF TreeView


retrieving InnerText before adding a CDATA section as the node's child... XmlDocument doc dp.Document XmlNodeList nodes doc.SelectNodes..

How to refer to children in a tree with millions of nodes


reason for this is because I'm attempting to store each node's children in a Dictionary data structure or any data structure.. node can have an unspecified amount of children and each node's children are to be stored in this data structure. Is there another..