

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:20

iphone Programming Glossary: offset.x

iPhone - How do you make a resizable rectangle for cropping images?


rect Drawing code if self.image nil return CGPoint offset scrollView.contentOffset clipRect CGRectOffset self.frame offset.x offset.y UIImage croppedImage image croppedImage clipRect CGContextRef ctx UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext croppedImage drawAtPoint..

How can I programmatically force-stop scrolling in a UIScrollView?


The generalized solution for any scrolling action is this void killScroll CGPoint offset scrollView.contentOffset offset.x 1.0 offset.y 1.0 scrollView setContentOffset offset animated NO offset.x 1.0 offset.y 1.0 scrollView setContentOffset offset.. CGPoint offset scrollView.contentOffset offset.x 1.0 offset.y 1.0 scrollView setContentOffset offset animated NO offset.x 1.0 offset.y 1.0 scrollView setContentOffset offset animated NO Edit As of iOS 4.3 and possibly earlier this also appears..

Unwanted scrolling when animating zoomScale in UIScrollView


How to build parallax scroll on an iOS device


respond to offset by changing some css properties of your parallax elements parallaxElement.css 'transform' 'translate offset.x offset.y 0.8 ' anotherParallaxElement.css 'transform' 'translate offset.x offset.y 0.1 ' scrollView.setDelegate controller.. parallaxElement.css 'transform' 'translate offset.x offset.y 0.8 ' anotherParallaxElement.css 'transform' 'translate offset.x offset.y 0.1 ' scrollView.setDelegate controller This delegate pattern is heavily influenced by UIKit as I feel it provides..