

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:20

iphone Programming Glossary: ohattributedlabel

iphone/ipad: How exactly use NSAttributedString?


do help. iphone ipad nsattributedstring share improve this question You should take a look at AliSoftware's OHAttributedLabel . It is a subclass of UILabel that draws an NSAttributedString and also provides convenience methods for setting the attributes.. from UIKit classes. From the sample provided in the repo #import NSAttributedString Attributes.h #import OHAttributedLabel.h 1 Build the NSAttributedString NSMutableAttributedString attrStr NSMutableAttributedString attributedStringWithString.. the color of Hello attrStr setTextColor UIColor redColor range NSMakeRange 0 5 2 Affect the NSAttributedString to the OHAttributedLabel myAttributedLabel.attributedText attrStr Use the Justified alignment myAttributedLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentJustify..

UILabel with two different color text


Advance search implementation in iphone?


support NSAttributedString... Get the controller here https github.com AliSoftware Ali Cocoa Classes tree master OHAttributedLabel PS if you plan to distribute an iOS6 only application as UILabel now support NSAttributedString you should use UILabel directly..

UITableViewCell Display multiple fonts


iphone objective c uitableviewcell share improve this question Either you should use two UILables or you can use OHAttributedLabel to draw NSAttributedString.. EDIT You can change the UILabel size dynamically using CGSize expectedLabelSize titleLabel.text..

UILabel justify left and right


to post the question. iphone ios cocoa touch uilabel text justify share improve this question You should use my OHAttributedLabel class. It has everything needed to display an NSAttributedString including justifying left center right and justified and.. See the sample code provided that also shows how to change text justification. suppose that label is an IBOutlet to an OHAttributedLabel subclass oh UILabel label.textAlignment UITextAlignmentJustify and that's all OHAttributedLabel does everything needed for.. is an IBOutlet to an OHAttributedLabel subclass oh UILabel label.textAlignment UITextAlignmentJustify and that's all OHAttributedLabel does everything needed for you Note UITextAlignmentJustify is a constant defined in OHAttributedLabel headers that matches..

UILabel - string as text and links


like navigating to some other different screen or make a call. I know that I can display such text with help of OHAttributedLabel . And the links can be displayed as follows label1 addCustomLink NSURL URLWithString @ http www.foodreporter.net inRange.. host hasPrefix @ show settings load settings screen else deal with http links here TTTAttributedLabel is a fork of OHAttributedLabel. If you want a more complex approach have a look to Nimbus Attributed Label . It support custom links out of the box. share..