

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:20

iphone Programming Glossary: oldframe

UIScrollView ImageView with pins on top


delegate methods void scrollViewDidZoom UIScrollView aScrollView for UIView dropPinView in imageView.subviews CGRect oldFrame dropPinView.frame 0.5 means the anchor is centered on the x axis. 1 means the anchor is at the bottom of the view. If you.. pin stays fixed. This should help user RomeoF. dropPinView.layer setAnchorPoint CGPointMake 0.5 1 dropPinView.frame oldFrame When you zoom in on scrollView it gets a larger zoom scale value. You transform the pin by scaling it by the inverse of..

UITextField: move view when keyboard appears


self super dealloc @synthesize delegate @synthesize frame void keyboardWillShow NSNotification notification CGRect oldFrame self.frame self retrieveFrameFromNotification notification if oldFrame.size.height self.frame.size.height CGSize delta.. NSNotification notification CGRect oldFrame self.frame self retrieveFrameFromNotification notification if oldFrame.size.height self.frame.size.height CGSize delta CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width oldFrame.size.width self.frame.size.height.. notification if oldFrame.size.height self.frame.size.height CGSize delta CGSizeMake self.frame.size.width oldFrame.size.width self.frame.size.height oldFrame.size.height if self.delegate self notifySizeChanged delta notification notification..

Why is my EAGLVIew not rendering anymore in iOS 4.2?


it goes fullscreen before this it is a little UIVIew calling this method void animateToGrow DNSLog @ grow grow YES oldFrame self.frame oldCenter self.center UIView beginAnimations @ MoveAndStrech context nil UIView setAnimationDuration 0.5 UIView..

Prevent indentation of UITableViewCell (contentView) while editing


@ keyPath change if keyPath isEqual @ frame object self.contentView CGRect newFrame self.contentView.frame CGRect oldFrame change objectForKey NSKeyValueChangeOldKey CGRectValue NSLog @ frame old @ new @ NSStringFromCGRect oldFrame NSStringFromCGRect.. CGRect oldFrame change objectForKey NSKeyValueChangeOldKey CGRectValue NSLog @ frame old @ new @ NSStringFromCGRect oldFrame NSStringFromCGRect newFrame if newFrame.origin.x 0 self.contentView.frame oldFrame add the cell as an observer for frame.. old @ new @ NSStringFromCGRect oldFrame NSStringFromCGRect newFrame if newFrame.origin.x 0 self.contentView.frame oldFrame add the cell as an observer for frame changes somewhere in initialization self.contentView addObserver self forKeyPath @..