

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:21

iphone Programming Glossary: onenter

Admob banner integration in Cocos2d 2.0 / Admob banner in iphone games


GADBannerView mBannerView CocosBannerType mBannerType float on_x on_y off_x off_y @implementation MyMainMenu void onEnter super onEnter self createAdmobAds void onExit self dismissAdView super onExit void createAdmobAds mBannerType BANNER_TYPE.. mBannerView CocosBannerType mBannerType float on_x on_y off_x off_y @implementation MyMainMenu void onEnter super onEnter self createAdmobAds void onExit self dismissAdView super onExit void createAdmobAds mBannerType BANNER_TYPE AppController..

How to get objects to react to touches in Cocos2D?


containsTouchLocation UITouch touch return CGRectContainsPoint self.rect self convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR touch void onEnter CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher addTargetedDelegate self priority 0 swallowsTouches YES super onEnter void onExit CCTouchDispatcher.. touch void onEnter CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher addTargetedDelegate self priority 0 swallowsTouches YES super onEnter void onExit CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher removeDelegate self super onExit BOOL ccTouchBegan UITouch touch withEvent..

Best practices for handling touches to a CCSprite with cocos2d


CCTexture2D aTexture if self super initWithTexture aTexture state kButtonStateNotPressed return self void onEnter CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher addTargetedDelegate self priority 0 swallowsTouches YES super onEnter void onExit .. self void onEnter CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher addTargetedDelegate self priority 0 swallowsTouches YES super onEnter void onExit CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher removeDelegate self super onExit BOOL containsTouchLocation UITouch touch..