

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:20

iphone Programming Glossary: on..

<embed> or <object> tag video playback error handler - JavaScript


Increment UISlider by 1 in range 1 to 100


slider.value 1.234550 slider.value 1.345670 slider.value 1.567890 . . . I want slider value as 1.0 2.0 3.0 and so on... Any help will be appriciated. iphone ios ipad uislider share improve this question you could try this float RoundValue..

Increment UISlider by 0.2 in range 0 to 2.0 [duplicate]


slider.value 1.234550 slider.value 1.345670 slider.value 1.567890 . . . I want slider value as 0.0 0.2 0.4 and so on... Any help will be appriciated. iphone ios ipad uislider share improve this question In your sliderChanged method take..

Draw Graph curves with UIBezierPath


Add quad curve to point m3 with p3 as a control point. Add quad curve to point m4 with p4 as a control point. and so on... This will get you all apart from the ends of the curve can't remember how to get them at the moment sorry . share improve..

Is it possible to change the title of PKAddPassesViewController ?


type and respecting localization Generic get Card event ticket gets Event Ticket store card gets Store Card and so on... but is it possible to change the title I've tried setting title property of PKAddPassesViewController instance but nothing..

Which mobile programming environment do you recommend for a startup to target? [closed]


vet every app slows down acceptance and limits choice but improves overall quality security and consumer trust. And so on... Career wise there is a difference in paths between running your own business and learning an API so that others will hire..

How to add a contact to the iPhone's Address Book from a Web Page?


safari. The contact file itself is base64 encoded in the calendar file on the fly using a simple PHP script. So read on... Just want the source code Download it here iphone contact download demo for a fully working HTML5 Web App that you are..

iPhone: how to get safari to recognize a vcard?


safari. The contact file itself is base64 encoded in the calendar file on the fly using a simple PHP script. So read on... Just want the source code Download it here iphone contact download demo for a fully working HTML5 Web App that you are..

How to get a blinking button? (two alternating pictures)


the Buttonpicture in the normal State every second from Button1.png to Button2.png and back to Button1.png and so on... How can I do this Thanks for your help and sorry for my bad English. iphone objective c xcode share improve this question..

save and load data (iphone sdk)


and load them into a table view so that the first entry in the text file is the first row in the table view and so on... somebody got an idea how I could realize that thanks in advance. sean iphone string load save share improve this question..

iPhone stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth only makes “D”s


to make a glass pill button . What does stretch do if the image is bigger... and the button I'm trying to use it on... is smaller Does the image 'stretch' and 'shrink' The reason I ask... is because all my images end up look like a D shape...

iVars, With and Without self?


Writing self dataForTable count does not refer directly to the iVar. There's some behind the scenes stuff going on... If you use an ivar in your code without self that's direct access to the ivar. If you use either self someIvarName or self.someIvarName..

Mobile developer interview questions, that a non-mobile developer can ask [closed]


of us. If their face lights up when you mention MVC you're all set. If they get dark and uncomfortable looking move on... David and Brad point out that perhaps unlike other programming fields iPhone and Mac programmers almost always have to..

Redlaser SDK alternatives


Source for barcode reader Barcode Reader for 3G Barcode reader SDK for iPhone to read DataMatrix and the list goes on... try searching StackOverflow for iphone barcode iphone barcode barcode scanner share improve this question You may..

Question about NSTimer and retain


timerFired userInfo nil repeats NO iphone memory nstimer retain share improve this question Not a lot to go on... but @property nonatomic retain NSTimer timer self.timer NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval kAdsAppearTimeInterval target self..

How to properly export CALayer on top of AVMutableComposition with AVAssetExportSession


article about this and I also downloaded AVVideoEdit sample from Apple but I just can't see what the hell is going on... If you need more details please let me know and I'll happily share any bits of code that you think is relevant in solving..

Retrieve all rows inserted in sqlite database and display in table view cells containing labels as subviews with different sections


the user views the saved reminder in cells of table view i.e. 1st reminder on 1st cell 2nd reminder on 2nd cell and so on... I have made my task much easier to specify the number of sections using the following code means the number of saved reminders..

Setting background color of a table view cell on iPhone


view will have blue background the next one will have white the next one will have blue again and then white and so on... could you let me know how can I do that Thanks. iphone share improve this question Add this method to your table view..

Availability.h, UIKit.h, etc not found


Prefix.pch file. If I comment out the #import Availability.h it will tell me that it can't find the UIKit.h and so on... Help will be MUCH appreciated iphone objective c xcode import share improve this question I hate this problem There..