

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:21

iphone Programming Glossary: onorientationchange

Reset scale/width/zoom of Safari on iPhone using JavaScript/onorientationchange


scale width zoom of Safari on iPhone using JavaScript onorientationchange I am displaying different content depending on how the user is holding his her phone using the onorientationchange call.. onorientationchange I am displaying different content depending on how the user is holding his her phone using the onorientationchange call in the body tag. This works great I hide one div while making the other visible. The div in portrait mode looks great..

Can js/jQuery determine the orientation of the iPhone?


you an integer that denotes the rotation. You can listen for orientation changes by adding an event to the body body onorientationchange updateOrientation Edited by OP just on the off chance that the link dies or gets moved at some point... Value Description..

Javascript Orientation Change doesn't work with PhoneGap on iPad


index_landscape.html break case 90 window.location index_landscape.html break with the following body tag body onorientationchange updateOrientation If I rotate the iPad to landscape mode it doesn't change to index landscape.html. Does anybody know where..

What is the best method of re-rendering a web page on orientation change?


page It is a mobile site I don't really want to force the user to load the page twice. var supportsOrientationChange onorientationchange in window orientationEvent supportsOrientationChange orientationchange resize window.addEventListener orientationEvent function..

iPhone UIWebView local resources using Javascript and handling onorientationChange


website but I'm serving the webpage from my app's NSBundle mainBundle. I tried attaching a javascript function to body.onorientationchange and to window.onorientationchange but neither work when served from UIWebView locally or remotely but it works if I'm using.. from my app's NSBundle mainBundle. I tried attaching a javascript function to body.onorientationchange and to window.onorientationchange but neither work when served from UIWebView locally or remotely but it works if I'm using the iPhone Safari. DOCTYPE html.. 'ERROR ' e.message function loaded document.getElementById page_wrapper .style.visibility visible script head body onorientationchange updateOrientation div id page_wrapper h1 Engage Interactive h1 div id content_left p You are now holding your phone to the..

How do I detect when the iPhone goes into landscape mode via JavaScript? Is there an event for this?
