

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:22

iphone Programming Glossary: openmapswithitems

How Can I get Direction on an iPhone iOS 6 App in Xcode from A to B?


openURL url iphone xcode google maps mkmapview ios6 share improve this question I recommend using MKMapItem openMapsWithItems instead of opening the maps app via a URL in iOS 6. If you use a URL you will not be able to pass Current Location and will.. CLLocationCoordinate2D to Class itemClass MKMapItem class if itemClass itemClass respondsToSelector @selector openMapsWithItems launchOptions MKMapItem currentLocation MKMapItem mapItemForCurrentLocation MKMapItem toLocation MKMapItem alloc initWithPlacemark.. MKPlacemark alloc initWithCoordinate to addressDictionary nil autorelease toLocation.name @ Destination MKMapItem openMapsWithItems NSArray arrayWithObjects currentLocation toLocation nil launchOptions NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects NSArray arrayWithObjects..

iPhone SDK 6 Launching maps with voice navigation directions


ios6 core location iphone sdk 5.0 share improve this question With iOS 6 there's a new way to launch maps using openMapsWithItems in MKMapItem . Here's a snippet that I use that provides walking or driving directions from current location to the provided.. MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey nil MKMapItem openMapsWithItems mapItems launchOptions options The way you are doing it which you still have to do if running on pre iOS 6 devices you need..

How to invoke iPhone Maps for Directions with Current Location as Start Address


alloc initWithObjectsAndKeys MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey nil MKMapItem openMapsWithItems items launchOptions options In order to support both iOS 6 and pre iOS 6 in the same code I'd recommend using something.. has on the MKMapItem API doc page Class itemClass MKMapItem class if itemClass itemClass respondsToSelector @selector openMapsWithItems launchOptions iOS 6 MKMapItem available else use pre iOS 6 technique This would assume that your Xcode Base SDK is iOS 6..