

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:21

iphone Programming Glossary: opencl

Interpret Apple crash report for


armv7 lt 9a17d07b5a3b38cfafdf16f78c99b572 gt usr lib libAccessibility.dylib 0x313f7000 0x3141cfff OpenCL armv7 lt f4b08361179a3f6bb033415b0d7c6251 gt System Library PrivateFrameworks OpenCL.framework OpenCL 0x3144d000 0x3144efff.. 0x313f7000 0x3141cfff OpenCL armv7 lt f4b08361179a3f6bb033415b0d7c6251 gt System Library PrivateFrameworks OpenCL.framework OpenCL 0x3144d000 0x3144efff libsystem_blocks.dylib armv7 lt 9fdc27af7350323bbc7d98e14e027907 gt usr lib system.. 0x3141cfff OpenCL armv7 lt f4b08361179a3f6bb033415b0d7c6251 gt System Library PrivateFrameworks OpenCL.framework OpenCL 0x3144d000 0x3144efff libsystem_blocks.dylib armv7 lt 9fdc27af7350323bbc7d98e14e027907 gt usr lib system libsystem_blocks.dylib..

iPhone application is working properly on simulator but crashes on iPad


armv7 575df12a2f2436af92e31494c3b74465 System Library PrivateFrameworks OAuth.framework OAuth 0x37305000 0x3732afff OpenCL armv7 5bf059a9deb632678d70099f14f51b82 System Library PrivateFrameworks OpenCL.framework OpenCL 0x3768b000 0x376a8fff PersistentConnection.. OAuth 0x37305000 0x3732afff OpenCL armv7 5bf059a9deb632678d70099f14f51b82 System Library PrivateFrameworks OpenCL.framework OpenCL 0x3768b000 0x376a8fff PersistentConnection armv7 c773b3dc885832f8a916de67f24f9f92 System Library PrivateFrameworks.. 0x37305000 0x3732afff OpenCL armv7 5bf059a9deb632678d70099f14f51b82 System Library PrivateFrameworks OpenCL.framework OpenCL 0x3768b000 0x376a8fff PersistentConnection armv7 c773b3dc885832f8a916de67f24f9f92 System Library PrivateFrameworks PersistentConnection.framework..

Are either the IPad or IPhone capable of OpenCL?


either the IPad or IPhone capable of OpenCL With the push towards multimedia enabled mobile devices this seems like a logical way to boost performance on these platforms.. for UI and data display entry usage. But am curious of how much processing capability the device itself is capable of. OpenCL would make it a JUICY hardware platform to develop on even though the licensing seems like it kinda stinks. iphone ipad.. develop on even though the licensing seems like it kinda stinks. iphone ipad opencl share improve this question OpenCL is not yet part of iOS. However the newer iPhones iPod touches and the iPad all have GPUs that support OpenGL ES 2.0. 2.0..