

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:22

iphone Programming Glossary: opened

Detect when home button is pressed iOS


port to listen for a network beacon. On the main view I use viewWillDisappear to close the port when another view is opened which was working great. Then I noticed if I pressed the home button from the main view controller without opening another..

iOS Image Orientation has Strange Behavior


as a thumbnail in windows doesn't look like it is handled properly And here is what the actual image looks like when opened with Windows Photo Viewer still not handled properly After all of the comments on this question here's what I'm thinking.....

How can an iPhone access another non-iPhone device over wireless or Bluetooth?


dongles that connect through the 30 pin dock port and give access to existing Bluetooth devices. If these developers opened up their communication protocol that might enable your goal of communicating with these devices. share improve this answer..

how to make a keyboard in other language in iOS


iOS 6 Social integration - go to settings issue


For twitter all is working well when Settings button is clicked my app is going background and the Settings is opened. Why this does not work for Facebook Any help will be appriciated. ADDED Using SLComposeViewController leads to the same..

Opening Native App. from Safari


from a Native App using openURL NSURL URLWithString Website_Address There are four Native apps that I have seen being opened from safari. App Store app Maps app Email app Phone app Is there a method of opening my own app from an iphone website in..

How do I associate file types with an iPhone application?


you can tap and hold to bring up a list of applications that can open a particular attachment. When the attachment is opened your application will be started and you will need to handle the processing of this file in your application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions..

PDFKit framework available on the iPhone OS?


question The PDFKit is not available on iPhone at this time. Certainly the functionality is there but Apple has not opened it up in an available framework. You should file a bug on this if you'd like to see it in the future. If you want more control..

Xcode: Unable to open project… cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed


Unable to open project&hellip cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed I have been working for a while to create an iPhone app. Today when my battery.. it is getting good power I try to open my project file and I get an error Unable to Open Project Project ... cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed. Is there a way that people know of that I can recover from this I tried using..

How to get audio volume level, and volume changed notifications on iOS 4?


do get a callback when changing the audio route by plugging in out a headset or docking the device . A user named Doug opened a thread titled iPhone volume changed event for volume already max where he claimed that he is sucessfully using this way..

iPhone: detecting if a UIAlert/UIActionSheet are open


option in my case. So the question is is there a way of knowing detecting whether an alert or action sheet have been opened Is there any notifications sent upon opening or any traversal of the view hierarchy to detect it Thanks iphone uialertview..

Save Youtube video to iPhone in the app


Get the URL to download from via the YouTube API or whatever other method. Create an NSOutputStream or NSFileHandle opened on a temporary file in NSTemporaryDirectory or a temp named file in your Documents directory . Set up your progress bar..

Xcode won't recognize my new provisioning profile


.xcodeproj file and choose Show Package Contents Breeze.xcodeproj Daniel.mode1v3 Daniel.pbxuser project.pbxproj Then opened project.pbxproj in a text editor it's text not binary and looked around for build configuration information. There's a section..

Xcode4 Linking Problem. File was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (arm6)


symbols for architecture armv6 _OBJC_CLASS_ _TKLoadingView referenced from objc class ref in RootViewController.o I opened the TapkuLibrary and checked that it's Architectures set to 'Standard armv6 armv7 '. What can I do to fix this problem ..

How to add NSDebug.h and use NSZombie in iPhone SDK


STILL does not show up in the project window even though I can locate it in the Finder. Is this normal behavior . So I opened up main and added #ifdef TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR #import Foundation NSDebug.h #endif I am not sure if that is right either...

How to invoke iPhone Maps for Directions with Current Location as Start Address


daddr @ directionsmode driving address stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding BOOL opened UIApplication sharedApplication openURL NSURL URLWithString url 2 To use Apple Maps you can use the new MKMapItem class..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


doc doc openWithCompletionHandler ^ BOOL success if success NSLog @ AppDelegate existing document opened from iCloud else NSLog @ AppDelegate existing document failed to open from iCloud else Nothing in iCloud create a container.. new document save to iCloud doc openWithCompletionHandler ^ BOOL success NSLog @ AppDelegate new document opened from iCloud void queryDidFinishGathering NSNotification notification 3 if Query is finished this will send the result..

How to manage Enterprise Distribution certificate expiration?


with the iOS Developer Enterprise Program According to Apple Certificate Validation The first time an application is opened on a device the distribution certificate is validated by contactingApple ™s OCSP server. Unless the certificate has been..

Creating an SQLite3 database file through Objective-C


pathForResource @ tblStore ofType @ sqlite if sqlite3_open databasePath UTF8String database SQLITE_OK NSLog @ Opened sqlite database at @ databasePath char err NSString sql NSString stringWithFormat @ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' @' ' @'.. szStore lblRegNumber.text szReg When I run my app I get the following errors 2012 05 10 14 58 38.169 CCoDBTry 355 f803 Opened sqlite database at Users Matt Library Application Support iPhone Simulator 5.1 Applications 5DB7A218 A0F6 485F B366 91FD2F9BC062..

Loading model using Jeff Lamarches script


here https github.com jlamarche iOS OpenGLES Stuff What I did Installed the script as it is described in instructions Opened blender with default cube Tried to export Objective C header file of the default 3D The header file is generated without..

How to use custom fonts in iPhone SDK? [duplicate]


Add a new entry with the key Fonts provided by application . For each of your files add the file name to this array Opened the font in font book double click on your font in finder to see what the real filename is and I see this Now set font to..

How to insert data into a SQLite database in iPhone


outside the application. if sqlite3_open path UTF8String newDBconnection SQLITE_OK NSLog @ Database Successfully Opened else NSLog @ Error in opening database return newDBconnection In rootviewcontroller void initializeTableData sqlite3 db..

how to connect with sqlite in iphone?


outside the application. if sqlite3_open path UTF8String newDBconnection SQLITE_OK NSLog @ Database Successfully Opened else NSLog @ Error in opening database return newDBconnection In your view controller call the method of insertion etc...

iPhone SDK 3.2 and UIAppFonts


the custom font support to work with 3.2 SDK and IB iphone iphone sdk 3.2 uifont share improve this question Opened a bug report with Apple and turns out it really is a bug. The workaround I ended up using is this LabelQuake.h @interface..

iOS app crash on locale change


1777 Notice Accepted connection from localhost 631 Domain May 29 12 09 30 unknown searchd 1779 Warning Opened updates file at var mobile Library Spotlight com.apple.MobileSMS updates.SMSSearch.spotlight May 29 12 09 30 unknown SpringBoard..

iPhone FFT with Accelerate framework vDSP


mAudioFile kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataPacketCount dataSize packetCount NSLog NSString stringWithFormat @ File Opened packet Count d packetCount UInt32 packetsRead packetCount UInt32 numBytesRead 1 if packetCount 0 allocate buffer audioData..

“Prerendered Icon Flag: true” in submitted iPhone app binary details, but icon shown with glossy effect in store [closed]


the icon is shown in store with glossy effect. Checked the plist filename in target and is referring to correct file. Opened plist file in textedit and can see uiprerenderedIcon as true. Version 1.2 binary uploaded again and I can now see prerendered..

Storing and retrieving data from sqlite database


sqlite3 newDBConnection if sqlite3_open path UTF8String newDBConnection SQLITE_OK NSLog @ Database Successfully Opened else NSLog @ Error in opening database return newDBConnection then to insert a record you can use this code void insertEvent..