

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:22

iphone Programming Glossary: optionally

What happens if I don't retain IBOutlet?


the property with a new autoreleased text field. If you had not used the property you must remember to release it and optionally retain the new one. At this point it is somewhat ambiguous as to whom owns this new text field because the memory management..

How exactly can I use shark to profile my iPhone app?


window select the radio button Control network profiling of shared computers . Select your iPhone in the list and optionally configure the profiling session Press Start to begin profiling and Stop to end After that viewing the profile results is..

Preventing a UITabBar from applying a gradient to its icon images


image will be used instead of glossy black tabBarController.tabBar.backgroundImage UIImage imageNamed @ tab_bar_bg.png optionally set the tint color setting this ti nil will result in the standard blue tint color. tint color is ignored when custom icons..

Customize UIMenuController


responder when you show the menu void onCustom1 UIMenuController sender void onCustom2 UIMenuController sender 3 you optionally need to implement canPerformAction in the responder chain for the view that will be first responder when you show the menu..

Is it possible to NOT dismiss a UIAlertView


NSInteger buttonIndex AND void alertView UIAlertView alertView clickedButtonAtIndex NSInteger buttonIndex If it didn't optionally support not dismissing the alert view with each button click Brief Aside I realize what UIAlertView was designed for. But..

Re-Apply currency formatting to a UITextField on a change event


decimalSeperator numberFormatter.usesGroupingSeparator NO create a character set of valid chars numbers and optionally a decimal sign ... NSRange decimalRange text rangeOfString decimalSeperator BOOL isDecimalNumber decimalRange.location NSNotFound..

How To Make iPhone App compatible with multiple SDK (firmware) versions


for more details deployment target vs base active sdk recommended way to support backward compatibility How do you optionally use iPhone 3.0 features in a 2.0 compatible app iPhone dev weak link framework weak linking with IB universal iphone ipad..

Apple gyroscope sample code


cocoa touch ios4 share improve this question To get gyro updates you need to create a motion manager object and optionally but recommended a reference attitude object So in your interface definition you add CMMotionManager motionManager CMAttitude..

Prefixing property names with an underscore in Objective C [duplicate]


question Current suggested Objective C 2.0 practice is to use the same name for the ivar as the property. You can optionally assign a different ivar in the @property declaration but the fact that by default synthesized accessors for a property will..

iOS Memory Management followup. dealloc vs nil?


the idea that obj is no longer valid. It can be useful when debugging or later in the program if you want to optionally re create obj and use a if obj nil check to see if it's been created already. If you set retain on it as a property then..

What are the dimensions, file types, and ppi resolution of an iOS app icon?


No Layers 72 PPI 512x512 TIFF or JPEG No Transparency No Layers 72 PPI Note iPhone OS applies rounded corners optionally shine and other effects Also have a large version of your logo with the name of the application in case Apple contacts you..

Tap pressure strength detection using accelerometer


it to a UIView or UIButton. Once triggered it will have the pressure set to a float between 0.0f and 2.0f. You can optionally set the minimum and maximum pressures required to recognize. Enjoy. CPBPressureTouchGestureRecognizer.h PressureSensitiveButton..

Property vs instance variable in Objective-C [duplicate]


question Current suggested Objective C 2.0 practice is to use the same name for the ivar as the property. You can optionally assign a different ivar in the @property declaration but the fact that by default synthesized accessors for a property will..

Delegate vs Protocol [duplicate]


Design Patten. Using this design pattern a class would have certain operations that it delegates out perhaps optionally . Doing so creates an alternative to subclassing by allowing specific tasks to be handled in an application specific manner..



Change this line return newLength 10 NO YES with this one if newLength 10 return NO and it should work. You can also optionally change this NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString @ 0123456789 with this NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet..

when to use addChildViewController vs pushViewController


Decode video frames on iPhone GPU


from the built in camera and passes each frame to OpenGL as a texture. It then uses OpenGL to manipulate the frame and optionally writes the result out to an output video file. The code uses some serious low level magic to bind a Core Video Pixel buffer..

Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch


were paused or not yet started while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background optionally refresh the user interface. void applicationWillTerminate UIApplication application Called when the application is about..

How do you optionally use iPhone OS 3.0 features in a 2.0 compatible app?


do you optionally use iPhone OS 3.0 features in a 2.0 compatible app I'd like to use some features of iPhone OS 3.0 in my 2.0 app when it..