

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:23

iphone Programming Glossary: orig

Method Swizzle on iPhone device


implementation at the bottom of that page #import objc runtime.h #import objc message.h .... void Swizzle Class c SEL orig SEL new Method origMethod class_getInstanceMethod c orig Method newMethod class_getInstanceMethod c new if class_addMethod.. bottom of that page #import objc runtime.h #import objc message.h .... void Swizzle Class c SEL orig SEL new Method origMethod class_getInstanceMethod c orig Method newMethod class_getInstanceMethod c new if class_addMethod c orig method_getImplementation.. #import objc message.h .... void Swizzle Class c SEL orig SEL new Method origMethod class_getInstanceMethod c orig Method newMethod class_getInstanceMethod c new if class_addMethod c orig method_getImplementation newMethod method_getTypeEncoding..

objc_setAssociatedObject unavailable in iPhone simulator


OTAssociatedObjectsSimulator static CFMutableDictionaryRef theDictionaries nil static void Swizzle Class c SEL orig SEL new swizzling by Mike Ash Method origMethod class_getInstanceMethod c orig Method newMethod class_getInstanceMethod.. CFMutableDictionaryRef theDictionaries nil static void Swizzle Class c SEL orig SEL new swizzling by Mike Ash Method origMethod class_getInstanceMethod c orig Method newMethod class_getInstanceMethod c new if class_addMethod c orig method_getImplementation.. nil static void Swizzle Class c SEL orig SEL new swizzling by Mike Ash Method origMethod class_getInstanceMethod c orig Method newMethod class_getInstanceMethod c new if class_addMethod c orig method_getImplementation newMethod method_getTypeEncoding..

How to swizzle a class method on iOS?


to swizzle a class method. Any idea how to do it Tried this but it doesn't work void SwizzleClassMethod Class c SEL orig SEL new Method origMethod class_getClassMethod c orig Method newMethod class_getClassMethod c new if class_addMethod c orig.. method. Any idea how to do it Tried this but it doesn't work void SwizzleClassMethod Class c SEL orig SEL new Method origMethod class_getClassMethod c orig Method newMethod class_getClassMethod c new if class_addMethod c orig method_getImplementation.. this but it doesn't work void SwizzleClassMethod Class c SEL orig SEL new Method origMethod class_getClassMethod c orig Method newMethod class_getClassMethod c new if class_addMethod c orig method_getImplementation newMethod method_getTypeEncoding..

UIImage with transparent rounded corners


the translate and scale can be undone with a call to CGContextRestoreGState. CGContextSaveGState context Translate the origin of the contex to the lower left corner of the rectangle. CGContextTranslateCTM context CGRectGetMinX rect CGRectGetMinY.. share improve this question Here's a simpler formulation using UIKit calls UIImage roundCorneredImage UIImage orig radius CGFloat r UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions orig.size NO 0 UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect CGRect CGPointZero.. using UIKit calls UIImage roundCorneredImage UIImage orig radius CGFloat r UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions orig.size NO 0 UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect CGRect CGPointZero orig.size cornerRadius r addClip orig drawInRect CGRect..